(A)   The nine voting members of the Board shall be residents of the city. The nine existing members will have three, three-year terms. Not more than one member of the City Council shall be, at any time, a voting member of the Board. The existing members or their replacements shall be reappointed to three- year terms of office as their existing terms expire. Existing members will continue to serve until they are reappointed or until their successors are appointed. Any reappointment or appointment will be for the remainder of the existing term. Vacancies shall be filled by the Mayor subject to confirmation by the City Council, for an unexpired term. Terms of appointed members shall expire on April 30.
   (B)   The Mayor may, by and with the consent of the City Council, remove any director for misconduct, neglect of duty or lack of regular attendance at Board meetings.
(2000 Code, § 32.045) (Ord. 2983, passed 9-11-2012)