(A) No part of a stairway, whether interior or exterior, nor of a hallway, corridor, vestibule, balcony or bridge leading to a stairway or exit of any kind, shall be used in any way that will obstruct its use as an exit or that will present a hazardous condition.
(B) In rooms accommodating more than 100 persons, required exit doorways, other than those normally used for entrance, shall be plainly marked by approved exit signs, sufficiently illuminated when the floor area is occupied, to be readily distinguished.
(C) Where the exit doorways are not visible from all locations in public corridors, directional signs, as required by the Chief of the Fire Department shall be placed on walls or otherwise displayed in conspicuous locations to direct occupants to exit doorways.
(D) Required stairways, hallways and other means of egress, including exterior open spaces to or through which exit ways lead, shall be kept adequately lighted at all times that the building served thereby is occupied.
(2000 Code, § 93.41) Penalty, see § 93.999