(A)   Employees shall not, directly or indirectly, engage in any outside employment or financial interest which may conflict, in the city’s opinion, with the best interests of the city or interfere with the employee’s ability to perform the assigned city job. Examples include, but are not limited to, outside employment which:
      (1)   Prevents the employee from being available for work beyond normal working hours, such as emergencies or peak work periods, when such availability is a regular part of the employee’s job;
      (2)   Is conducted during the employee’s work hours;
      (3)   Utilizes city telephones, computers, supplies or any other resources, facilities or equipment;
      (4)   Is employment with a firm which has contracts with or does business with the city; or
      (5)   May reasonably be perceived by members of the public as a conflict of interest or otherwise discredits public service.
   (B)   An employee who chooses to have an additional job, contractual commitment or self- employment, may do so provided the employee obtains prior approval from the employee’s immediate supervisor.
(Ord. 2619, passed 7-8-2003)