(a)   Emergencies, general: The county engineer may authorize the use of county labor, equipment, and materials in emergency situations which in the opinion of the county engineer warrant such use, for a period not exceeding 24 hours unless extended on a day to day basis by the county administrator. After such work is performed, the county engineer shall submit a report to the county administrator, describing the emergency situation, the type/extent of work performed, and total costs for labor, equipment and materials.
   (b)   Emergency aid to governmental agencies: The assistant county administrator for public works may authorize the use of county labor, equipment, and materials to aid other governmental agencies in major emergencies or declared disasters, provided a mutual agreement is executed and the maximum reimbursement is requested from funding authorities. After such work is performed, the assistant county administrator for public works shall submit a report to the county administrator, describing the emergency situation, the type/extent of aid provided, and total costs for labor, equipment and materials.
(1976 Code, § 18-16) (Ord. 3571, § 1, passed 3-5-2002)