The amount of the Stormwater Fee to be paid will be dependent on the classification of the property into 1 of 4 use classifications as follows:
   Classification 1.   Developed Residential Properties, which shall include all single-family detached units and all duplexes and developed agricultural properties.
   Classification 2.   Developed Non-residential Properties, which shall include but not be limited to triplexes; apartment buildings and complexes; condominiums, boardinghouses; commercial properties; industrial properties; parking lots; recreational, institutional, and governmental facilities; hotels; offices; schools and other educational facilities; theaters and other facilities for performance; and churches and other religious institutions and facilities.
   Classification 3.   Undeveloped Residential Properties and Agricultural Properties.
   Classification 4.   Undeveloped Non-residential Properties.
   Each of these 4 classifications shall pay Stormwater Fees according to the fee schedule adopted by Greenville County Council.
(Ord. 3617, passed 8-20-2002)