(a) All stormwater management facilities required by this article shall be privately owned and maintained unless the County accepts the facility for County ownership and maintenance.
(b) When the Director determines that additional storage requirements for water quantity and/or water quality beyond that required by the owner for on-site stormwater management is necessary in order to enhance or provide for the public health, safety and general welfare, to correct unacceptable or undesirable existing conditions or to provide protection in a more desirable fashion for future development, the County may agree to participate financially in the construction of such facility to the extent that such facility exceeds the required on-site stormwater management as determined by the Director. The Director and the owner will jointly develop a cost sharing plan which is agreeable to both parties.
(1976 Code, § 8-84) (Ord. 3551, passed 11-11-2001; Ord. 4281, passed 5-5-2009; Ord. 4698, passed 5-5-2015)