A Comprehensive Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (C-SWPPP) is a fundamental requirement for permit approval. Each C-SWPPP must include a Stormwater Management and Sediment Control Section. The C-SWPPP must be in compliance with South Carolina Regulations 72-300 and the most current SCDHEC NPDES General Permit for Stormwater Discharges for Construction Activities (GCP). In additions to the requirements outlined in these requirements the C-SWPPP shall include as a minimum the following:
(a) A vicinity map indicating a north arrow, scale, boundary lines of the site and other information necessary to locate the development site.
(b) The existing and proposed topography of the development site except for individual lot grading plans in single-family subdivisions, if the subdivisions or phases of the subdivision are not mass graded. In subdivisions that are not mass graded drainage flow patterns will be shown for each lot by arrow indicators showing the general direction of surface flow.
(c) Physical improvements on the site, including present development and proposed development.
(d) Drainage easements shall have the following characteristics:
(1) Provide adequate access to all portions of the drainage system and structures.
(2) Provide sufficient land area for maintenance equipment and personnel to adequately and efficiently maintain the drainage system and all stormwater facilities.
(3) Restriction on easements shall include prohibiting all fences and structures which would interfere with access to the easement areas and/or the maintenance function of the drainage system.
(e) An anticipated starting and completion date of the various stages of land disturbing activities as specifically outlined in the GCP and the expected date the final stabilization will be completed.
(f) A determination that the development is in compliance with the County Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance.
(g) At the discretion of the Director, for all portions of the drainage system which are expected to carry over 50 cubic feet per second (cfs) for the 100-year storm, the 100-year plus 1 foot flood elevation analysis shall be required if 1 of the following criteria apply:
(1) The estimated runoff would create a hazard for adjacent property or residents;
(2) The flood limits would be of such magnitude that adjacent residents should be informed of these limits.
(h) For all portions of the drainage system which are expected to carry 150 cfs or more for the 100-year storm, the 100-year plus 1 foot flood elevation analysis shall be done and flood limits shall be shown on the drainage plans. Such data shall be submitted in digital form, as well as in print, in a format specified by the Director.
(i) A tree saving and planting plan consistent with the requirements in the Greenville County Tree Ordinance and the Landscape Plan requirements of the Design Manual; or meeting the buffer requirement of the Construction General Permit (whichever is more restrictive).
(j) Construction and design details for structural controls.
(k) The expected timing of flood peaks through the downstream drainage system shall be assessed when planning the use of detention facilities.
(l) All stormwater management facilities and all major portions of the conveyance system through the proposed development (i.e., channels, culverts) shall be analyzed, using the 100-year design storm, for design conditions and operating conditions which can reasonably be expected during the life of the facility. The results of the analysis shall be included in the hydrologic-hydraulic study.
(m) If the site development plan and/or design report indicates that there may be a drainage or flooding problem at the exit to the proposed development or at any point downstream as determined by the Director, the Director may require as outlined in the Design Manual:
(1) Water surface profiles plotted for the conditions of pre- and post- development for the 2-year through 100-year design;
(2) Water surface profiles plotted for the conditions of pre- and post- development for the 100-year design storm;
(3) Elevations of all structures potentially damaged by the 2-year through 100-year flows.
(n) All plans submitted for approval shall comply with the applicable requirements in Divisions 3, 5, 6, and 7 of this article.
(o) All plans submitted for approval shall contain certification by the operator that the land disturbing activity will be accomplished pursuant to the approved plan and that responsible personnel will be assigned to the project.
(p) The C-SWPPP shall contain certification by the applicant that all land clearing, construction, development and drainage will be done according to the C-SWPPP or any approved revisions. Any and all SWPPPs may be revoked at any time if the construction of stormwater management facilities or other elements of the plan is not in strict accordance with approved plans.
(q) All plans shall contain certification by the operator of the right of the Director to conduct on-site inspections.
(r) The plan shall not be considered approved without the inclusion of an approval stamp with a signature and date on the plans by the Land Development Division. The stamp of approval on the plans is solely an acknowledgment of satisfactory compliance with the requirements of these regulations. The approval stamp does not constitute a representation or warranty to the applicant or any other person concerning the safety, appropriateness or effectiveness of any provision, or omission from the C-SWPPP.
(s) Approved plans remain valid for 2 years or for 5 years, at the discretion of the applicant, from the date of an approval. Renewals of the plan approvals will be granted by the Director upon written request by the operator along with a revised contact list and submittal of the renewal fees.
(1976 Code, § 8-82) (Ord. 3551, passed 11-11-2001; Ord. 4281, passed 5-5-2009; Ord. 4698, passed 5-5-2015)
Except as provided in § 8-67 of this article, a person may not perform clearing, stripping, excavating, or grading of land or create borrow pits, spoil areas, quarries, material processing plants or related facilities without first obtaining a land disturbance permit from the County. An owner of real property may not permit grading or the creation of borrow pits, spoil areas, quarries, material processing plants or related facilities on the real property owned unless appropriate permits are received from the County and/or the SCDHEC.
(Ord. 4281, passed 5-5-2009; Ord. 4698, passed 5-5-2015)
The C-SWPPP must include a Best Management Practices (BMP) section that accurately and descriptively addresses the use, installation, maintenance and inspection for each measure outlined in the Stormwater Management and Sediment Control section. This BMP section must be in accordance with SCDHEC’s General Permit for Stormwater Discharges for Construction Activities. In additions the plan must include the following:
(a) Development shall be fitted to the topography and soils so as to create the least erosion potential.
(b) Natural vegetation shall be retained and protected wherever possible.
(c) Natural vegetation and non-structural methods shall be employed to the extent possible, for streambank stabilization and erosion control in place of structural methods wherever possible.
(d) Only the smallest practical area shall be exposed and then only for the shortest practical period of time.
(e) Waterway stabilization structures such as drop structures, grade stabilization structures, and channel liners shall be utilized to dissipate the energy of flowing water by holding the waterway slopes and velocities within non-erosive limits.
(f) Sediment basins and traps.
(1) The structure may be removed once stabilization is reached in the development of the area draining to that sediment basin or trap.
(2) A sediment basin or sediment trap may be required to be enclosed, in the discretion of the Director, when necessary to ensure public safety.
(3) Sediment basins and traps shall be designed to achieve a sediment removal efficiency of 80% or greater for total suspended solids (TSS) or meet a 0.5 ml/l settleable solids effluent standard using a 10-year 24-hour design storm event, whichever is less.
(g) Cut and fill slopes and other exposed areas shall be stabilized as soon as practical to limit the duration of the exposed soil.
(h) All sediment control BMPs shall be designed and installed to meet a minimum sediment removal efficiency of 80% for total suspended solids (TSS) or greater or a 0.5 ml/l settleable solid effluent concentration using a 10-year, 24-hour design storm event, whichever is less.
(i) Description of spill prevention and response practices.
(j) Temporary erosion and sediment control measures shall be maintained continuously until permanent soil erosion control measures have reached final stabilization.
(Ord. 4281, passed 5-5-2009; Ord. 4698, passed 5-5-2015)