The Director shall be responsible for day to day coordination, implementation and enforcement of this article and the SWMP. This includes but is not limited to, the SWMP’s monitoring program and the SWMP’s Stormwater Management Programs for commercial and residential activities, construction site runoff, industrial and related facilities, illicit discharges and improper disposal, and the flooding and drainage programs. Without limitation of the foregoing, the Director shall have the following specific powers and duties:
(a) To issue any permit, certification or license that may be required by the SWMP.
(b) To deny a facility connection to the MS4 or discharge to Waters of the State if State, Federal, or County Stormwater Ordinances and Regulations are not met.
(c) To approve C-SWPPP BMP plans, and to require as a condition of such approvals structural or non-structural controls, practices, devices, or operating procedures, required under the SWMP.
(d) To require performance security in the form of Remediation Fees, Letters of Credit, or other forms of performance security acceptable to the County, of any person to secure that person’s compliance with any BMP Plan, permit, certificate, license or authorization issued or approved by the Director pursuant to the SWMP.
(e) To comply with all Federal and State regulatory requirements, promulgated or imposed pursuant to the Clean Water Act, South Carolina Water Pollution Control Act, the South Carolina Stormwater Management and Sediment Reduction Act, and any South Carolina NPDES General Permit that is applicable to the management of stormwater discharges to or from the Greenville County MS4.
(f) To conduct all activities necessary to carry out the stormwater management program and other requirements included in the Greenville County NPDES permit, the SWMP and this article, and to pursue the necessary means and resources required to properly fulfill this responsibility.
(g) To develop and implement programs to reduce the impacts of flooding and drainage on the citizens and property of Greenville County.
(h) To enter into agreements with other governmental entities or private persons or entities to provide or procure services to conduct and carry out stormwater management activities.
(i) To maintain the stormwater system consistent with the provisions of the Greenville County NPDES permit, the SWMP and this article.
(j) To direct, review and recommend for approval by County Council the Stormwater Management Program operating budget.
(k) To direct, review and recommend for approval by County Council necessary changes to the existing County Stormwater Management Program.
(l) To determine appropriate fees, to impose penalties, and to take necessary and appropriate actions to collect any fee or enforce any penalty assessed pursuant to this article.
(1976 Code, § 8-71) (Ord. 3551, passed 11-11-2001; Ord. 4281, passed 5-5-2009; Ord. 4698, passed 5-5-2015)