(a)   The County Council shall distribute the local hospitality tax collected and placed in the Fund, in accordance with the breakdown and listing appearing in Exhibit A attached to Ordinance\ No. 4079; provided, however, that such purposes are permitted under S.C. Code, Title 6, Chapter 1, Article 7.
      (1)   These purposes include, but are not limited to, tourism-related capital projects, the support of tourism and tourist services in a manner that will best serve the tourists from whom it was collected, including being used as a funding source to pay indebtedness issued by the County for public purposes.
      (2)   It shall be the responsibility of the County Council to ensure that any and all money expended from the Fund shall be spent for the purposes permitted under S.C. Code, Title 6, Chapter 1, Article 7.
   (b)   It is the intent of County Council to pursue the capital projects and operational expenditures enumerated in Exhibit A.
      (1)   Additionally, revenues may be expended pursuant to S.C. Code, Title 6, Chapter 1, Article 7, in order to finance projects appearing on Exhibit A.
      (2)   After adoption of this article, any future amendment to the list of capital projects appearing in Exhibit A will require a 3/4 vote of the membership of County Council.
   (c)   The funds received by the County are to be allocated, subject to annual appropriation of the County Council, in the following manner:
      (1)   Should local hospitality tax funds be used to defray the cost of indebtedness, the amount necessary for debt service shall take precedence over all allocations.
      (2)   Of any balance remaining:
         a.   Twelve percent of the funds received by the County are to be applied to the operational and maintenance costs related to the capital projects appearing in Exhibit A; and
         b.   Fifteen percent of the total funds received by the County are to be used to provide additional County services, including but not limited to, law enforcement, traffic control, and emergency medical services that enhance the ability of the County to attract and provide for tourists. The funds must not be used as an additional source of revenue to provide services normally provided by the County.
      (3)   The remaining balance, plus earned interest, received by the County will be allocated to cover operating and maintenance costs associated with tourism-related programs and expenditures.
(Ord. 4079, passed 12-12-2006)