(a) To the extent practicable, verbal notices shall be provided to all occupants present in an unauthorized encampment advising the occupants of the date and time of the abatement with an order the occupants must immediately leave the encampment and remove their property. The date of abatement may occur on the date in the notice or within the next three calendar days. Any occupant present in the encampment on the day of the abatement shall be advised of a shelter option and that services are available for them. Any occupant refusing to leave the unauthorized encampment will be in violation of City Code and could be issued a criminal citation upon a positive probable cause determination conducted by a law enforcement for trespass.
(b) To the extent practicable, written notices shall be hand-delivered to all occupants present in an unauthorized encampment advising the occupants of the date and time of the abatement with an order the occupants must immediately leave the encampment and remove their property. The date of the abatement may occur on the date in the notice or within the next three days. Any occupant present in the encampment on the day of the abatement shall be advised of a shelter option and that services are available for them. Any occupant refusing to leave the unauthorized encampment will be in violation of City Code and could be issued a criminal citation upon a positive probable cause determination conducted by a law enforcement officer for trespass.
(c) Written notices for abatement may also be conspicuously attached to suspected unattended personal property as circumstances may require.
(d) Written notices shall be posted around the encampment at reasonable physical intervals sufficient to advise anyone entering the encampment of the intended date and time of abatement. Notice consistent with this division (d) may be exclusively utilized by the City in the event occupants of an unauthorized encampment are not present or the unauthorized encampment appears to be abandoned. The City shall not repost notices if they are removed prior to abatement.
(e) All written notices shall include sufficient language conveying to persons in unauthorized encampments that stored personal property may be retrieved within fourteen days of abatement, at no cost, without fear of arrest, along with a phone number, address, and hours of operation of the City's designated storage facility.
(f) The Safety Service Director shall document all applicable dates, times, and general locations of notice provided consistent with Section 680.17 of this Chapter. The Safety Service Director shall also track, document, and collect relevant information pertaining to each abatement.
(Ord. 22-102. Passed 9-6-22.)