Through research and several watershed-based meetings, Greenville chose a multi- faceted approach. One of the groups working on this issue has been a subcommittee on Public Education, Outreach and involvement organized under Miami Valley Regional Planning Commission's watershed group: Lower Miami River Basin Council Watershed Enhancement Program. This group established a Phase II Storm Water Working Group, which then created subcommittees to make recommendations for compliance with specific measures of the storm water regulations. Research the group performed included examinations of products and programs available from the Huron River Watershed Council, the Center for Watershed Protection, and River Network. We also examined social behavior research conducted by the National Geographic Society and Ohio University. As a result, we have chosen the following strategy to effect change in the attitudes and behaviors of residents. Details about our plan's measurable goals, timeline, responsible party, and rationale for choosing those goals are contained within the program overview chart above.
(Ord. 07-04. Passed 1-23-07.)