(a)   General Restrictions. Except as provided in subsection. (e) hereof, no person shall erect any building or structure of wood frame construction or of unprotected noncombustible construction within the limits described in Section 1448. 01, nor shall any person use or permit the use of wood or combustible veneers on such buildings or structures within such limits.
   (b)   Alterations and Extensions.
      (1)   Within the fire limits no building or structure of wood frame construction or of unprotected noncombustible construction shall be increased in height.
      (2)   Within the fire limits no building or structure shall be extended on any side by wood frame construction or unprotected noncombustible construction. When extensions are made to a building or structure of wood frame construction or unprotected noncombustible construction, the aggregate area of the building or structure, including the extension, shall not exceed the allowable area for wood frame construction in Table 14 and Section 14 of the 1967 abbreviated edition of the National Building Code, such Table 14 and Section 14 of such Code being incorporated herein and made a part of this chapter by reference, together with any changes, alterations or additions thereto that may be made in the future.
      (3)   Nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit other alterations within the fire limits, provided that there is no change of occupancy to a class of occupancy otherwise prohibited.
   (c)   Moving Buildings. No building or structure of wood .frame construction or unprotected noncombustible construction shall be moved from without to within the fire limits or from one lot to another within the fire limits.
   (d)   Buildings Partly Within Fire Limits. A building or structure shall be deemed to be within the fire limits if one-third or more of the area of such building or structure is located therein.
   (e)   Exceptions. Nothing in this section shall prohibit within the fire limits, subject to the specified limitations, the erection of new buildings or structures or the extension or enlargement of buildings or structures of wood frame construction or unprotected noncombustible construction or the use of wood or combustible veneers as follows:
      (1)   Frame dwellings not exceeding two stories in height and separated by at least five feet from the lot lines of adjoining property;
      (2)   Wood or combustible veneers on noncombustible backing for show windows that do not extend above the first full story above grade;
      (3)   A building occupied as a. private garage, not more than one story in height nor more than 750 square feet in area, located on the same lot with a dwelling, provided that such building is placed at least three feet from the lot lines of adjoining property;
      (4)   Buildings of unprotected noncombustible construction, except when used for a high hazard occupancy, not exceeding 2, 500 square feet in area when used for a business occupancy or 1, 000 square feet when used for other occupancies, not more than one story in height and having a horizontal separation of not less than ten feet on all sides. Walls having a horizontal separation of less than ten feet shall have a fire-resistance rating of not less than one hour;
      (5)   Greenhouses not more than fifteen feet in height erected on the same lot with and accessory to a dwelling or a store;
      (6)   Sleds open on the long side, not more than fifteen feet in height nor more than 500 square feet in area, located at least five feet from buildings and from adjoining lot lines;
      (7)   Builders ' shanties for use only in connection with a duly authorized building operation and located on the same lot with such building operation, on a lot immediately adjoining, on an upper floor of the building under construction or on a sidewalk shed;
      (8)   Piazzas or balconies on dwellings, not exceeding ten feet in width nor extending more than three feet above the second-story floor beams, provided that no such structure is located closer than three feet to an adjoining lot line or joined to a similar structure of another building;
      (9)   Fences not exceeding ten feet in height; or
      (10)   Roofs over parking lots and bus stations, of unprotected noncombustible construction, where the roof is at least ten feet above the floor and where, every forty feet, there is an open roof ventilation area six feet wide extending either the full length of the roof or the full width of the roof.
(Ord. 64-63. Passed 10-6-64. )