There is hereby established a Community Reinvestment Area Housing Council, consisting of two members appointed by the Mayor, two members appointed by the City Council and one member appointed by the Greenville Planning Commission. The majority of the members shall then appoint two additional members. Terms of the members of the Housing Council shall be for three years. An unexpired term resulting from a vacancy in the Housing Council shall be filled in the same manner as the initial appointment was made.
(Ord. 97-123. Passed 9-2-97.)
A Tax Incentive Review Council shall be established pursuant to Ohio R.C. 5709.85 and shall consist of three representatives appointed by the Board of County Commissioners, two representatives of the City appointed by the Mayor, with the concurrence of City Council, the County Auditor or his or her designee, and a representative of each affected board of education. At least two members must be residents of the City of Greenville. The Tax Incentive Review Council shall make an annual review of all agreements involving the granting of exemptions for commercial or industrial real property improvements under Ohio R.C. 3735.671 and make written recommendations to the City Council, as to whether such agreements should be continued, modified or terminated, based upon the performance of an agreement.
(Ord. 97-123. Passed 9-2-97.)
The City Council reserves the right to re-evaluate the designation of the City of Greenville Downtown Community Reinvestment Area after December 31, 1996, at which time the City Council may direct the Housing Officer not to accept any new applications for exemptions as described in Ohio R.C. 3735.67.
(Ord. 96-147. Passed 10-15-96.)
The Community Reinvestment Area Housing Council shall make an annual inspection of the properties within the district for which an exemption has been granted under Ohio R.C. 3735.67. The Housing Council shall also hear appeals under Ohio R.C. 3735.70.
(Ord. 96-147. Passed 10-15-96.)