As used in this chapter "park areas" means:
(a) The present City Park, including the Park swimming pool, the Park Stadium, all softball and hardball fields, tennis courts and parking lots;
(b) All lands between the City Park and Greenville Creek owned by the City;
(c) All lands owned by the City extending west to Greenville Creek from the street running northwest and southeast and terminating at the Altar of Peace;
(d) All land used in connection with the Pioneer Fort located on part of what was formerly known as the East Water Street Cemetery;
(e) Lots numbered 2644, 2645, 2646, 2655, 2656 and 2657, being in the John F. Maher Addition to the City, as owned by the City;
(f) All lands owned by the City on Grey Avenue and used for playground purposes;
(g) Lots numbered 2794, 2795 and 2796, inclusive, in Coppock's Park Avenue Subdivision to the City, as owned by the City;
(h) The building commonly referred to as Fire Station No. 2; and
(Ord. 84-49. Passed 6-5-84.)
(i) Lots 34 and 41 as designated in the proceedings in partition wherein C.M. Anderson was plaintiff and Samuel Armstrong and others were defendants, in the County Common Pleas Court No. 7136, which Lots have been renumbered on the Plat of the City as Lots 837 and 844; and twelve and one-third feet off the north side of Lot 845, beginning on Washington Avenue and extending the full width of twelve and one-third feet across such Lot the entire length thereof to a certain alley extending from Martin Street to Devor Street in the City.
This area does not include a strip of land nine feet in width off the south side of such twelve and one-third foot strip of land off the north side of Lot 845, commencing on Washington Avenue and extending the full width of nine feet across such Lot the entire length thereof to a certain alley extending from Martin Street to Devor Street.
(Ord. 86-70. Passed 8-5-86.)
(j) The real property known as the "Emette B. Smith Park," which is more particularly described as follows: commencing at the southwest corner of the intersection of East Fourth Street and Imo Boulevard and proceeding in a southwesterly direction parallel with East Fourth Street a distance of 136 feet for a place of beginning; from said place of beginning and proceeding in a northwesterly direction 136 feet from and parallel to Imo Boulevard for a distance of approximately 583 feet and 2 inches to a point where said line intersects an alley running from Imo Boulevard to Greenville Creek and lying parallel to East Main Street; thence in a southwesterly direction parallel to said alley to a point where said alley intersects with Greenville Creek; thence along Greenville Creek in a southeasterly direction to a point where said Creek intersects with East Fourth Street; thence in a northeasterly direction along and parallel to East Fourth Street to the place of beginning, containing a calculated area of 3.030 acres, more or less, being subject to all legal easements.
(k) The real property commonly known as "North Park."
(l) The real property known as the "Greenville Creek Trail Phase I" which is more particularly described as follows:
(1) Situated in the City of Greenville, County of Darke, State of Ohio, being a part of the southeast quarter of Section 26, Township 12 North, Range 2 East and being more particularly described as follows:
A. City Park entrance and under bridge section. Being a strip, 25 feet in width, beginning at a point on the existing westerly side of an existing sidewalk on the westerly side of Park Drive at a point 230 feet, more or less, northwesterly of East Main, said point being the point of beginning; thence in a southwesterly direction with a curve to the left 0.03 miles, more or less to a point; thence in a southeasterly direction 0.04 miles, more or less, going along the easterly side of Greenville Creek and under East Main Street Bridge (ODOT Bridge #DAR-121-1712) to a point on the northwesterly line of the Hunt Property. Total distance for this section totaling 0.07 miles.
B. Hunt property section. Being a strip, 20 feet in width, centerline of said strip being 110 feet southwesterly of and parallel to the northeasterly line of the Hunt property and said strip being 0.03 miles, more or less, the full depth of the Hunt property. Total distance for this section totaling 0.03 miles.
C. Emette B. Smith Park and 4th Street crossing section. Being a strip, 25 feet in width, centerline of said strip continuing from the previously described Hunt property section in a southeasterly direction passing the southerly line of Emette B. Smith Park to the southerly right-of- way line of East 4th Street, a total distance of 0.13 miles, more or less, the full depth of the Emette B. Smith Park and the 4th Street right-of- way. Total distance for this section totaling 0.13 miles.
D. Terrace Creek Association section. Being a strip, 20 feet in width, centerline of said strip being 20 feet southwesterly of and parallel to the northeasterly line of the Terrace Creek Association property and said strip being 0.07 miles, more or less, the full depth of the Terrace Creek Association property. Total distance for this section totaling 0.07 miles.
(2) Situated in the City of Greenville, County of Darke, State of Ohio, being part of the northeast quarter of Section 35, Township 12 North, Range 2 East and being more particularly described as follows:
Darke County Park District section. Being a strip, 25 feet in width, centerline of said strip continuing from the previously described Terrace Creek Association property section in a southeasterly direction to the north side of the existing paved parking lot, said point also being the southerly existing end of the Greenville Creek Trail, a total distance of 0.20 miles, more or less. Total distance of this section totaling 0.20 miles.
(3) Summary. It is the intent of all the above described sections to be dedicated, that such final dedication location shall be centered on the bike path pavement as it was constructed. The dedication shall include, but not be limited to; pavement, lawn, trees, walls, railing, signage, paint striping, steps, and other miscellaneous pertaining to the Greenville Creek Trail Phase I.
(4) City of Greenville Park: 0.07 miles and 0.13 miles = 0.20 miles
Darke County Park District = 0.20 miles
Hunt property = 0.03 miles
Terrace Creek Association property = 0.07 miles
Total = 0.50 miles
(Ord. 91-88. Passed 7-16-91; Ord. 01-39. Passed 3-20-01; Ord. 04-126. Passed 12-7-04.)