(EDITOR'S NOTE: Section 672.13 was repealed as part of the 1988 updating and revision of these Codified Ordinances because substantially equivalent State law (Ohio R.C. 3743.33) was repealed by the Ohio General Assembly by Amended S.B. No. 61, effective May 30, 1986, December 1, 1986, and January 1, 1987.)
(a) Except as provided in division (c) of this section, no person shall discharge any air gun, rifle, shotgun, revolver, pistol or other firearm, or make use of any sling or arrow, within the corporate limits of the Municipality.
(b) No person shall, intentionally and without malice, point or aim a firearm at or toward another or discharge a firearm so pointed and aimed.
(c) This section does not apply in the following circumstances:
(1) Where a firearm, sling or arrow is used in self-defense, in the discharge of official duty or in justifiable homicide;
(2) Where a BB gun or other air gun, sling or arrow, is used in the confines of a dwelling, provided that such use is under responsible adult supervision;
(3) Where a firearm, BB gun or other air gun, sling or arrow is used in conjunction with a public exhibition or festival, where all of the following conditions have been met:
A. Use of such firearm, BB gun or other air gun, sling or arrow is in conjunction with such public exhibition or festival; and
B. The person conducting the public exhibition or festival shall obtain and have in force an indemnity bond in the amount of not less than five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000), filed with the City Auditor, conditioned upon the payment of all final judgments that may be rendered against the person conducting the public exhibition or festival on account of injury, death or loss to persons or property emanating from the use of any such firearm, BB gun or other air gun, sling or arrow in conjunction with such public exhibition or festival, or proof of insurance coverage of at least five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000) to indemnify the City of Greenville, as an additional insured, from liability arising from injury, death or loss to persons or property emanating from the use of any such firearm, BB gun or other air gun, sling or arrow in conjunction with such public exhibition or festival.
(d) Whoever violates any of the provisions of this section is guilty of a misdemeanor of the fourth degree.
(Ord. 98-84. Passed 6-16-98.)