Unless specifically exempted and excepted as provided herein, the City of Greenville shall publicly announce all anticipated professional service contracts available from it for such professional services. The announcements mandated shall:
(a) Be made in a uniform and consistent manner and shall be made sufficiently in advance of the time that responses must be received from qualified professional service providers for such professional service providers to have an adequate opportunity to submit a statement of interest in the project;
(b) Include a general description of the project, a statement of the specific professional services required, and a description of the qualifications required for the project;
(c) Indicate how qualified professional service providers may submit statements of qualifications in order to be considered for such a contract, if such a statement of qualifications is not already on file with the City;
(d) Be sent to:
(1) Each professional service provider that has a current statement of qualifications on file with the City and is qualified to perform the required professional services; and
(2) Other similar professional service providers, trade associations, the news media, and any other publications or other public media that the City considers appropriate.
(Ord. 91-44. Passed 4-2-91.)