(A)   Any customer or user may request a hearing before the head of the appropriate utility department or other properly authorized personnel in the following circumstances:
      (1)   Within seven days from the date of receipt of any notice of termination of service. If the customer or user is charged with a violation of the rules of the utility other than a dispute on the charges or other problems with the account, the customer or user may only request a hearing as provided herein. The informal procedure described in § 51.26 of this chapter is not available to any customer or user who is charged with other violations of the utility’s rules and regulations; and
      (2)   Within five days after receipt of the notice of decision by the authorized representative under the informal procedure set forth in § 51.26 of this chapter.
   (B)   The hearing date shall be scheduled during regular village business hours and for a date convenient to the parties but no later than ten days from the date of the request. The hearing date and time shall be confirmed by the village in writing to the person requesting the hearing by first-class U.S. mail. At this hearing, the customer or user shall have the right to be represented by counsel, to appear at the hearing in person, to present evidence on his or her own behalf, and to examine any evidence which the village utility might introduce. The village utility is authorized to conduct its own investigation of the customer’s or user’s complaint and to present any evidence to that effect at the hearing. Within five days after the conclusion of any hearing, the authorized person conducting the hearing will render a decision on the basis of the evidence presented. This decision shall be communicated to the customer or user by certified mail, return receipt requested, by personal delivery, or by posting on the premises to be disconnected. In case the decision is against the customer or user, the notice of the decision shall specify that if the account is not paid, or the violation is not abated, on or before five days from date of receipt of notice, the utility service shall be discontinued.