Residential (0 - 1,000 gallons) | |
Base rate (first 1,000 gallons) | $20 |
Maintenance fee | $15 |
Price per 1,000 gallons over base | $6.50 per every 1,000 gallons used over base |
Out-of-Town Residential (0 - 1,000 gallons) | |
Base rate (first 1,000 gallons) | $40 |
Maintenance fee | $30 |
Price per 1,000 gallons over base | $13 per every 1,000 gallons used over base |
Commercial (average usage under 4,000 gallons/month) | |
Base rate (first 1,000 gallons) | $20 |
Maintenance fee | $15 |
Price per 1,000 gallons over base | $7.50 per every 1,000 gallons used over base |
Industrial/High Volume Commercial (average usage over 4,000 gallons/monthly) | |
Base rate (first 1,000 gallons) | $40 |
Maintenance fee | $30 |
Price per 1,000 gallons over base | $15 per each 1,000 gallons used over base |
NOTES TO TABLE: - $50 water deposit required to begin service - The rates established in this table shall increase by 3% on 5-1-2025 and each year on May 1 thereafter unless otherwise amended by the Village Board of Trustees. | |
(Ord. 327, passed 8-1-2022)