A final plat shall be prepared on permanent material, tracing cloth, Mylar or equivalent so as to be suitable for recording with the County Recorder of Deeds at a scale of one inch equals 100 feet. All revision dates shall be shown as well as the following:
(A) Contents.
(1) The name and signature of the owner of record of the property;
(2) The name, signature and seal of the registered land surveyor who prepared the plat and the date thereof;
(3) The legal description of the property subdivided;
(4) All measurements, dimensions, data, monuments, angular and linear dimensions and certificates shall be in accordance with § 150.24 of this chapter, the Plat Act as set forth in 765 ILCS 205/0.01 et seq., and any other statutes or county requirements pertaining to recording;
(5) All easements required for installation of utilities (electric, water, wastewater, gas, telephone and the like) along with a statement that dedicates easements as approved by the village;
(6) All scenic, access, drainage and other easements along with a statement that dedicates the easement as approved by the village; and
(7) Topographical and profile studies required by § 2 of the Plat Act (765 ILCS 205/2), if not previously supplied with the preliminary plat.
(B) Supporting documents with final plat. The following supporting documents and data shall be submitted with the final plat:
(1) A statement of intent and agreement by the subdivider, setting forth the nature, kind, character and the extent of all the improvements that will be constructed in the subdivision, together with complete plans, detailed final engineering, profiles and specifications clearly describing the same, with agreement to construct the same in accordance therewith, at his or her own expense, within the time limit fixed by the Board of Trustees;
(2) Any special studies or additional items required by the village;
(3) Cost estimates and construction plans of all public improvements and financing surety as required hereinafter;
(4) A description and justification for any variation from the preliminary plat and a description of any external factors which have changed since the preliminary plat affecting the layout of the final plat; and
(5) Certificates and additional items required by § 150.24 of this chapter.