(A)   Developer action. The preliminary plat shall be prepared in accordance with this chapter and the subdivider shall file 15 copies along with application for development approval to the Village Clerk at least one week in advance of the meeting at which the Plan Commission shall review the preliminary plat.
   (B)   Plan Commission action on preliminary plat. The Clerk shall refer the application to the Plan Commission, which shall, after receiving the preliminary plat, hold deliberations and request additional information as it deems necessary to show compliance with the ordinances of the village. All required material must be received at least one week prior to the Plan Commission session at which it is to be considered. If the proposed plat of subdivision is not satisfactory as presented, the Plan Commission shall permit the subdivider to make changes and additions required by the Plan Commission to meet the requirements of this chapter before submission of its recommendation to the Board of Trustees.
   (C)   Plan Commission recommendation. The Plan Commission shall make a recommendation of approval or disapproval of the plat. The Plan Commission will forward the recommendation in writing to the Village Board including any conditions of approval or the reasons for disapproval and the roll call vote. A recommendation of the Plan Commission to disapprove a preliminary plat shall not prohibit the subdivider from seeking Board approval of the proposed plat.
   (D)   Village Board approval of preliminary plat. After a recommendation on the preliminary plat by the Plan Commission, it shall be returned to the Village Board for its action. After the Board has satisfied themselves that the preliminary plat is in accordance with the requirements set forth in this chapter, and that the Plan Commission has inspected all phases of the improvements and made its recommendation, the Board may accept, modify or reject the recommendation of the Plan Commission in its action upon the plat. The Board may require special conditions in the approval of the preliminary plat as it may deem necessary to ensure conformity with the requirements of the village ordinances. Upon rejection of a preliminary plat, the plat shall be returned to the subdivider by the Village Board with a written statement setting forth reasons for the disapproval. An approved preliminary plat shall remain on file with the Village Clerk.
   (E)   Review duration. The Plan Commission shall make its recommendation on the proposed preliminary plat within 30 days of referral to the Plan Commission or the filing by the applicant of the last item of supporting data, whichever date is later, unless the time is extended by mutual consent. The Village Board shall accept or reject the plat within 30 days after its next regular stated meeting following the action of the Plan Commission.