(A)   Application for any license or permit shall be filed with and on the form provided by the Clerk, which form shall include the business address and telephone number of the establishment for which the license or permit is sought, and the business address and telephone number of the applicant unless otherwise provided in this code. The application form shall contain the required information as to each person applying for a license or permit, and be signed by the applicant. Where the applicant is a corporation, group or association, the chief executive and chief fiscal officers shall sign, indicating their official capacity, and verify the application. Where a partnership is an applicant, all partners shall sign and verify the application.
   (B)   The Clerk shall review all applications and conduct or cause to be conducted inspections when necessary to verify information contained in any application.
   (C)   If the provisions of this code have been complied with, the Clerk shall recommend to the President that the application be approved. If the provisions have not been complied with, he or she shall recommend denial.
   (D)   The President shall be responsible for approving or denying any license or permit for which he or she is designated in this code to approve or deny. Upon receipt of any application, the President shall approve it provided that the requirements of this code have been complied with. He or she shall immediately forward the approved application to the Clerk who will notify the applicant. The Clerk shall issue the license or permit upon receipt of proof from the applicant that the required fees have been paid.
   (E)   If, after due consideration, the President determines that the provisions of this code have not been satisfied, he or she shall deny the application. He or she shall notify the applicant and the Clerk, in writing, that the application has not been approved and the reasons therefor.
   (F)   Within ten days from service of the President’s notice of denial, the applicant may request, in writing, to the President a hearing before the Board of Trustees, at which the applicant may explain why the application should be approved. A hearing under this division (F) shall take place within 30 days of the receipt of the applicant’s request for a hearing. The applicant shall be permitted to be represented by counsel at no expense to the village.
   (G)   If the applicant does not request a hearing within ten days, the applicant shall have waived the opportunity for a hearing before the Board of Trustees.
   (H)   Upon presentation of any evidence by the applicant, the Board of Trustees shall decide whether the application should be approved or denied.
   (I)   Provided that the requirements of the code are satisfied, the Board of Trustees shall approve the application. The approved application shall be forwarded to the Clerk. The Clerk shall notify the applicant and issue the license or permit upon receiving proof of payment of fees by the applicant.
   (J)   In the event the Board of Trustees denies an application, the applicant shall be informed by the Clerk, in writing, of the reason for denial.