(A)   The rezoning petition and preliminary plan shall be heard by the Advisory Plan Commission as a petition for zoning ordinance amendment, which may recommend approval, amendment or disapproval of the preliminary plan upon hearing the request.
   (B)   The Commission may impose reasonable conditions with its recommendation. However, if the Commission requires changes in design regarding the proposed site, utilities or landscape plans, then the Commission shall vote to recommend amendment. In this case, the petitioner may resubmit a second preliminary plan for rehearing by the Commission at a later date.
   (C)   If the Commission recommends approval or disapproval, the eight sets of the preliminary plan shall be stamped with that recommendation and signed by the President and Secretary of the Commission. Distribution of the plan sets shall be as follows: one set shall be retained in the office the Commission, two sets shall be returned to the petitioner, four sets shall be distributed to the affected gas, electric, telephone and cable television utilities and one set shall be certified to the legislative body for adoption as a planned unit development zone.
   (D)   The legislative body may adopt or defeat the certified preliminary planned unit development but shall not amend the plan. If adopted by the legislative body, then the petitioner may prepare final detailed plans.
(Ord. 2002-5, passed 7-2-2002)