(A)   Front yard requirements.
      (1)   In residential districts or B2 districts, the minimum building setback or front yard depth for a lot abutting a street shall be 25 feet for local streets, 30 feet for collector streets and 40 feet for arterial streets as measured from the public right-of-way. Along a local residential street, the front yard depth shall be set as the average of the front yards of the adjoining properties. If any adjoining lots are undeveloped, then the front yard depth shall be considered to be 25 feet. In any case, the depth of the front yard shall not be greater than one-third of the lot depth or 40 feet. For any corner lots, these front yard- setback standards shall also apply to the side yard or side yards abutting a public street. Where a lot does not abut a street, the minimum front yard depth shall be 25 feet as measured from a designated lot line.
      (2)   In districts B1, C1 or I, the minimum front yard depth shall be equal to the average of any adjoining developed lot or 15 feet, whichever is greater. Corner lots in these districts shall have a side yard depth equal to the adjoining lot or to 15 feet, whichever is greater.
   (B)   Rear yard requirements. Each lot shall have a rear yard of 15% of the lot depth or 30 feet, whichever is less, between the rear building line of the principal building and the rear lot line. The rear yard may include permitted accessory-use structures as provided by this chapter, but in no case shall such structures be less than three feet from the rear lot line. In the case of swimming pools, the inside edge shall be no closer than four feet to any lot line.
   (C)   [Reserved]
   (D)   Fences, hedges and walls.
      (1)   Fences, hedges and walls not greater than seven feet in height are permitted at least three feet from all rear and side property lines on interior lots and on or to the rear of all front yard setback lines. It is the owner’s responsibility to verify the location of the property line.
      (2)   A front yard may include a fence or hedge not over three and one-half feet in height, except that front yards on a corner lot may have a fence or hedge not over three feet in height as measured from the top of the curb.
      (3)   A fence not exceeding four feet in height may be erected on the side lot lines forward of the front corner of the principal building.
      (4)   No fence shall be constructed in a manner which would block the view of vehicular traffic or restrict the snow plowing of streets. All fences shall be properly maintained with respect to appearance and safety
      (5)   Barbed wire fences or electrified fences are not permitted in platted areas.
      (6)   Fences or structures over seven feet in height so as to enclose tennis courts or other game areas located within the rear half of the lot shall be composed of a wire mesh capable of admitting at least 90% of light as measured on a reputable light meter. Such fences shall be permitted in the required side yard or rear yard subject to the Plan Commission’s review and approval.
      (7)   Any permanent swimming pool, whether aboveground or in-ground, which is at least 18 inches in depth and used for recreational purposes shall be entirely enclosed by a building or by fences or walls which are at least six feet in height.
         (a)   Said fence or wall shall be equipped with self-latching gates or doors and a latching device which is located not less than four feet above the ground.
         (b)   All fencing must be in place and approved by the Plan Commission before water is run into the pool.
      (8)   For fences which do not meet the requirements of this section, refer to the variance procedure in § 156.133 of this chapter.
(Ord. 2002-5, passed 7-2-2002; Ord. 2005-1, passed 2-1-2005; Ord. 2005-5, passed 11-1-2005)