(A)   Intent. This section authorizes as home occupations all uses which conform with its standards. In general, a home occupation is an accessory use located and conducted in such a way so that neighbors, under normal circumstances, would be unaware of its existence except for a sign. Home occupations conforming to the requirements of divisions (B) and (C) below are permitted in any non- rural zone which authorizes the dwelling unit to which the home occupation is accessory and in rural zones on lots up to two acres in area.
   (B)   Home occupation requirements. In addition to all other requirements applicable in the zone in which such are located, all home occupations are subject to the following.
      (1)   No alteration shall be made to the exterior of the primary-use building or to the lot which changes the residential character of the building or lot.
      (2)   The operator of a home occupation shall be a resident of the dwelling unit, and no employees are allowed who are not residents of that dwelling unit.
      (3)   A home occupation shall not involve construction features or the use of any electrical and mechanical equipment or combustible materials which would change the fire-separation requirements of the primary-use building.
      (4)   There can be no activity or storage of any kind related to the home occupation outside the primary-use building.
      (5)   A home occupation shall provide an additional off-street parking area adequate to accommodate the needs created by the home occupation. This area shall contain at least one parking space, which shall be in addition to the parking spaces required for the dwelling unit. This parking space shall be provided on the same lot as the home occupation; it may be located in the front setback but not in the right-of-way.
   (C)   Permitted home occupations. Home occupations may include, but are not necessarily limited to, the following:
      (1)   Dressmaker, seamstress or tailor;
      (2)   One-station barber or beauty shop;
      (3)   Home craft, such as model making, cabinet and furniture making, antique restoration and furniture upholstering;
      (4)   Office facility of a member of the clergy;
      (5)   Office facility of a sales representative, salesperson or manufacturer’s representative, provided that no retail or wholesale goods are stored or exchanged; or
      (6)   Office facility of an accountant, architect, artist, broker, engineer, insurance agent, land surveyor, lawyer, musician, real estate agent, telecommuter or member of the recognized counseling professions.
   (D)   Prohibited home occupations. For reasons of incompatibility with permitted uses or violations of the neighborhood character, permitted home occupations shall not include the following:
      (1)   Antique shop;
      (2)   Automobile, truck or motorcycle service, repair, salvage, customization or restoration;
      (3)   Barber or beauty shop with two or more stations;
      (4)   Physician, dentist, optometrist, podiatrist, chiropractor or any medical or dental clinic, office or hospital;
      (5)   Restaurant, bakery or catering service;
      (6)   Veterinarian or any veterinary clinic, office or hospital;
      (7)   Welding shop;
      (8)   Bed and breakfast, tourist home or boarding home; or
      (9)   Other activities having similar characteristics.
(Ord. 2002-5, passed 7-2-2002)