(A)   Penalties for late payment. If utility payments are not received in the Utility Office by the close of business on the due date or the business day following the due date if the due date is on a day when the Utility Office is closed, then penalty charges will be added to the account the following day. The additional balance due will automatically be added to the next billing statement. In an effort to reduce costs, the town does not mail a separate notice to the customer informing him or her of this charge.
   (B)   Disconnection of service for non-payment.
      (1)   When a billing becomes past due for 15 days, a notice of delinquent billing will be sent to those customers having an amount due greater than $10. The notice will state the amount of arrears and that the water will be disconnected in seven days unless payment is made in full before that date or arrangements have been made for payment of the full amount by calling the Utility Office before the disconnect date.
      (2)   The utility shall not disconnect service for non-payment on any day on which the utility’s offices are closed to the public or after 12:00 p.m., noon, on the day immediately preceding any day on which the Utility Office is not open to the public.
      (3)   If payment is not received by 8:30 a.m. on the shutoff day, then service will be terminated. A utility representative will deliver a notice of termination by placing a card on the door of the service address.
      (4)   If arrangements are made to make payment on a delinquent bill, then the following will apply.
         (a)   The date on which payment is to be made will not be extended for longer than five days from the disconnect date. This will be at the discretion of the Utility Office based on past performance. Only one extension will be given.
         (b)   If payment is not made on the date agreed upon, then service will be disconnected the following day.
         (c)   If payment is made by check and the bank, for any reason, returns the check unpaid, then it will be considered as “no payment” and service will be terminated immediately.
         (d)   If payment of the delinquent amount is not received in the Office before the given date for the disconnection of service, then service will be terminated and the amount owed, together with a reconnection charge of $40, must be paid before service will resume.
      (5)   If payment is delinquent on a rental property, then a notice will be sent to both the renter and the owner of the rental property. If the renter does not pay the amount owed by the shutoff date, then service will be terminated and the property owner shall make full payment before reconnection.
      (6)   If an account balance is unpaid 30 days after shutoff, then the meter deposit will be applied to the amount due. Any trash totes and recycling bins will also be returned to the town at this time.
(Ord. 2006-4, passed 10-3-2006)