(A)   No permit shall be necessary for the construction or repair of sidewalks. However, any resident seeking to have the town contribute towards material costs as detailed in § 150.06 of this chapter must file an application with the town at the Utility Office.
   (B)   (1)   Upon receipt of an application from a resident of the town, an employee of the Utility Office shall contact the owners of any property adjacent to the property of the resident filing the application and provide notice of the anticipated sidewalk construction or repair.
      (2)   Any adjacent property owner shall have ten business days to respond indicating any intent to undertake sidewalk construction or repair in conjunction with his or her adjoining property owner. Failure to respond to the Utility Office within ten days from the date of first notice shall constitute a waiver on the part of the adjacent property owner.
   (C)   If an adjoining property owner indicates his or her intent to also participate in sidewalk construction or repair, then an employee of the Utility Office shall contact that owner’s adjoining property owners and provide the same notice detailed in division (B) above.
(Ord. 2017-3, passed 12-5-2017)