(A) All money received from the Local Fiscal Recovery Fund must be receipted into a separate ARP grant fund known now as 176-ARP Grant.
(B) (1) The purpose of this Fund is to follow the focal point requirements of the US Treasury. Requirements state that to ensure accountability and transparency of the use of these funds, all disbursements must be made from the ARP Grant Fund and may not be transferred to another fund.
(2) The Common Council shall require a detailed accounting of the uses of ARP funds as prescribed by the State Board of Accounts. Supporting documentation shall be maintained for every dollar disbursed and tied to a use listed in Section 603(c) with adequate explanation.
(3) The fiscal body must assure internal controls be designed, implemented, and documented to provide reasonable procedures have been followed and funds will be safeguarded and used in accordance with the ARP.
(C) In order to distribute ARP funds, the Common Council must advertise an appropriation ordinance of said funds and meeting dates for readings. Funds shall only be used to cover costs incurred by December 31, 2024.
(D) The development of a formulated plan shall be used to establish community priorities and create an investment plan for the funding. Under State Examiners Directive 2021-1, funds may incur cost for:
(1) To respond to public health emergency with respect to the Coronavirus Disease 2019, or its negative impacts;
(2) To respond to essential worker pay;
(3) To respond to and make provisions of government services, to the extent of reduction in revenues due to the COVID-19;
(4) To respond and provide assistance or aid and document that this action is in response to the PHE or its negative economic impacts; and/or
(5) To respond to making necessary investments in water, sewer or broadband infrastructure and must be documented on the capital asset ledger in accordance with the local capitalization policy.
(Ord. 2021-6, passed 5-3-21)