§ 159.06 INSPECTION.
   (A)   Each BMP on a site must have an operations and maintenance plan that is submitted with the post construction runoff control plan and approved by the city. The approved operations and maintenance plan must be provided to the BMP owner.
   (B)   Annual inspections of permanent BMPs will be performed by the city. Prior to post construction runoff control plan approval, the developer or owner of a site must pay a predetermined fee to cover the city's costs for annual inspection for the first three years. After the first three years, the city will annually inspect the facility and bill the owner. Refer to the schedule of fees in § 159.07.
   (C)   Routine inspections are the responsibility of the BMP owner. Maintenance is also the responsibility of the owner. Maintenance plans and inspection forms for each type of acceptable BMP are provided in the city Storm Water Design and Construction Specifications Manual and should be used as guidance for performing maintenance activities. Completed routine inspection forms must be maintained by the BMP owner and produced upon request by the city.
   (D)   In the event that the city finds a BMP in need of maintenance or repair, the city will notify the BMP owner of the necessary maintenance or repairs and give the BMP owner a timeframe for completing the maintenance or repairs. If the maintenance or repairs are not completed within the designated timeframe, the city shall perform the repairs or maintenance and bill the BMP owner for the actual costs of the work.
   (E)   The city must be notified of any changes in BMP ownership, major repairs, or BMP failure in writing within 30 days.
(Ord. 2004-13, passed 12-6-04; Am. Ord. 2007-5, passed 4-2-07)