(A) Because of the rules of the 1986 Safe Drinking Water Act, administered by the Indiana Department of Environmental Management, strict water safety standards must be adhered to. These rules apply to and are the responsibility of both the Utility and the consumer.
(B) All mains, valves, hydrants, etc. shall be thoroughly flushed and disinfected using a chlorine gas mixture or a hypochlorite (HTH) and water mixture applied in amounts to produce a dosage of 50mg/l. All portions of the mains will have a residual of not less than 25mg/l free chlorine after a 24 hour contact time. Following disinfection, the treated water will be flushed from the pipes at its extremities, and two samples, 24 hours apart, will be taken. This shall be done at the contractor's expense. The disinfection process will be repeated, if necessary, until bacteriological quality of water is in accordance with Indiana Department of Environmental Management regulations. A copy of the bacteriological test results must be given to the Utility.
(C) Whenever service is shut off due to main breaks, service line repairs or whatever reason, the lines have to be fully flushed and tested for chlorine residual before returning to service. There should be well-defined chlorine residual in the pipe and acceptable to the standards of the Utility subject to their inspection. The Utility has the right to request a bacteriological test made on such projects.
(Ord. 2007-07-23, passed 11-15-07) Penalty, see § 51.99