A.   Application For Extension: Any person desiring to extend water mains within the city may make application to the city. Said application shall contain a description of the proposed extension, accompanied by a map showing the location thereof. The city council may grant or deny the application as in its discretion deems best for the welfare of the existing water users in the city. (1995 Code § 91-8-1)
   B.   Planning Commission Review: Before acting on an application for extension to the system, the city council shall refer the application to the planning commission for its review and recommendation. (1995 Code § 91-8-2)
   C.   Detailed Plans Submitted: Upon receiving preliminary approval from the city council, the applicant shall submit to the city detailed engineering plans showing the location and size of all mains, service laterals, fire hydrants and any other facilities to be included as part of the extension. The applicant shall also submit to the city council documentation, acceptable to the city council, agreeing to construct all required off site or oversize facilities as shown on the plans and accept the conditions relating to reimbursement. Said plans shall be submitted to the water superintendent for review. (1995 Code § 91-8-3)
   D.   Conformance With Standards: The design, location, materials and standards of construction shall be in accordance with city standards as approved by the city. The design and sizing of all extensions shall be based upon considerations of adequacy to meet both present and future requirements for domestic water supply, fire protection and sanitation within the city. (1995 Code § 91-8-4)
   E.   Connection To Existing Mains: The requested water main extension shall be connected to an adequate existing main as determined by the city and shall extend the full width of the property to be provided with such service. (1995 Code § 91-8-5)
   F.   Oversized And Off Site: The city may require the construction of off-site and/or oversized lines and facilities as condition of approval of the extension. (1995 Code § 91-8-6)
   G.   City Council Action Upon Application: Upon receipt of documents and the report of the water superintendent, the city council shall consider the question of authorizing construction of the extension, and, upon a motion properly presented, shall act to approve or deny the extension. (1995 Code § 91-8-7)
   H.   Applicant To Construct Improvements: All costs in connection with approval and construction shall be borne by the applicant, except that off site or oversized lines or facilities constructed by the applicant shall be eligible for reimbursement as hereinafter provided. (1995 Code § 91-8-8)
   I.   Reimbursement Of Off Site Lines: All applicants shall be eligible for reimbursement for that portion of the cost incurred in making the extension which benefits properties fronting on the extension other than those owned by the applicant. The amount of eligible reimbursement and the method of payment shall be as follows:
      1.   Upon completion of an extension, the water superintendent shall make a determination of the per frontage foot cost for such extension. Thereafter, the city will enter a deferred credit on their books for the water department in an amount equal to the cost of the extension less the prorated amount represented by the length of the frontage of the property owned by the applicant and any existing public street. Thereafter, the applicant or his successor or assigns will be reimbursed by the city upon collection for fees assessed against the benefitted properties as service connections are made. The period of reimbursement shall extend for a period of five (5) years from the date of completion of the extension or until the initial prorated costs of the extension along the frontage not owned by the applicant shall have been refunded, whichever is shorter.
      2.   A water main extension fee for each and every subsequent service connection to an extension installed under the provisions of this subsection shall be paid before such service connection is made, except for frontage owned by the applicant or for which a water connection fee has already been paid. The water main extension fee is separate and is in addition to any other charges required by the city.
      3.   The amount of the extension fee to be paid by the benefitted property shall be determined by multiplying the number of linear feet of frontage in the lot or parcel for which service connection is requested by one-half (1/2) the average cost per linear foot of said extension.
      4.   All extension fees levied for purposes of reimbursement of off site utilities shall be determined using the actual costs for installing water mains of six inches (6") in diameter. (1995 Code § 91-8-9)
   J.   Oversized Lines And Facilities: Where the city council determines that the future development within an area requires the construction of a water main or other facility which is larger than required to serve an immediate development, the city may require the construction of such oversized line or facility as a condition of approval of the extension. The applicant shall be eligible for reimbursement for that portion of the cost incurred in the construction of the oversized line or facility which benefits properties other than those owned by the applicant. The amount of reimbursement and the method of payment shall be as follows:
      1.   The city council shall first make a determination of either the total area or number of potential connections which are to be benefitted by the oversized facility. Thereafter, the city shall enter a deferred credit on their books for the water department in an amount equal to the actual cost of constructing that portion of the oversized line or facility which is in excess of the cost of the standard line or facility, less a prorated share of the cost of the oversized facility in an amount equal to the proportion of the territory or number of potential connections (as applicable) within the defined service area which is owned by the applicant. Thereafter, the applicant or his successors or assigns will be reimbursed by the city upon collection of fees assessed against the benefitted properties as service connections are made thereto. The period for which the applicant shall remain eligible shall be as determined on a case by case basis by the city.
      2.   A facility reimbursement fee will be charged to each and every subsequent service connection located within the designated service area. Said fee shall be paid before any water service connection is made, except that no fee shall be required for development occurring on land owned by the applicant. The fee required under this provision shall be in addition to all other charges levied by the city.
      3.   The amount to be levied shall be a proportionate share of the cost of said oversized line or facility as determined by the city in accordance with the criteria established at the time of approval of the facility. (1995 Code § 91-8-10)
   K.   Correlation With Subdivision Regulations: Where the request for extension is being submitted conjointly with a request for approval of a subdivision, large scale development or similar development, the two (2) shall be considered together, and separate application for extension will not be required. (1995 Code § 91-8-11; amd. Ord. 2019-01, 2-12-2019)