In addition to the other relevant District regulations, drive-in, drive-through or carry-out eating and drinking establishments shall be reviewed by the Planning Commission during Site Plan Review as required by Chapter 1151 and shall be further regulated as follows:
   (a)   The establishment must be located on or near a major street; said street must be adequate to carry the additional traffic generated by the establishment. The Village may require the preparation of a traffic impact study by a qualified traffic engineer to determine the adequacy of the roadway and determine any necessary off-site roadway improvement.
   (b)   A minimum of five (5) stacking spaces per drive-thru lane shall be required.
   (c)   Exterior lighting, including illuminated signage, shall be so shaded, shielded or directed that the light intensity or brightness shall not be objectionable to any adjacent dwelling units.
   (d)   A solid fence or wall four (4) to six (6) feet in height shall be constructed where any off-street parking area is located, adjacent to a dwelling unit or any residentially zoned parcel of land. An evergreen hedge maintained in good condition may be substituted for the required fence or wall, provided however, that the evergreen hedge provides an opaque screen to prevent the glare of headlights onto adjoining properties and provided that the Planning Commission or Board of Zoning Appeals approves such.
      (Ord. 2013-04-CD. Passed 4-2-13.)