Satellite dishes over one meter in diameter in a residential district or two meters in diameter in a nonresidential district, when permitted as an accessory use, are subject to the following conditions:
   (a)   Location.
      (1)   No satellite dish shall be erected on the rooftop of any residential, commercial, apartment building, school, church building or any other building. However, commercial buildings, churches and schools located in a business or other non-residential zoning district may be granted a variance based on the need by the Board of Zoning Appeals.
      (2)   Satellite dishes shall be set back a minimum twenty (20) feet from all property lines.
      (3)   Satellite dishes shall be prohibited in the front and side yards of the property on which it is located.
   (b)   Height and Size.  
      (1)   The maximum height of any ground mounted earth satellite station/satellite dish shall not exceed fifteen (15) feet above the finished grade and its diameter shall not exceed twelve (12) feet.
      (2)   The maximum height of any roof mounted earth satellite station/satellite dish approved by the Board shall not exceed the roof height it is mounted on more than four (4) feet and its diameter shall not exceed three (3) feet.
   (c)   Advertising. The satellite dish apparatus shall bear no advertising, lettering, picture or visual image.
   (d)   Landscaping and Maintenance.
      (1)   The satellite dish apparatus, where mounted to the ground, shall be screened with shrubbery and/or landscaped to provide a four (4) foot high barrier to adjacent properties.
      (2)   The satellite dish apparatus, landscaping and shrubbery shall be properly maintained to prevent both unsightly and unsafe conditions.
   (e)   Permits Required. No person, firm or corporation shall erect a satellite dish or "earth station dish" in the Village without a permit, and no installation or erection shall commence before a permit is issued in accordance with this Code.
   (f)   Exemptions. Satellite dishes under one (1) meter in diameter in residential districts and under two (2) meters in diameter in nonresidential districts shall be exempt from the aforementioned regulations.
      (Ord. 2013-04-CD. Passed 4-2-13.)