Ord. No. | Date Passed | Description |
Ord. No. | Date Passed | Description |
1977-27 | 1-12-1978 | Part of the north division of the west half of the southeast quarter and a west division of the east half of the southeast quarter, both in Section 29, T16N, R7E to “C”, with certain parcels of land included therein excepted. |
1979-3 | 2-22-1979 | Part of the northwest quarter of Section 33, T16N, R7E to “GB”. |
Part of the west half of the southwest quarter of Section 33, T16N, R7E to “GB”. | ||
1979-28 | 12-27-1979 | Part of the west half of the northwest quarter of Section 21, T16N, R7E to I-3, Special Industrial District. |
1980-11 | 5-22-1980 | Lots 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, and 16 in Pierson’s Third Addition to “C” Residence District. |
1980-13 | 6-27-1980 | Southwest corner of Osage and Noble Streets to “C” Residence District. |
1981-10 | 7-23-1981 | Part of the southwest quarter of Section 28, T16N, R7E to UD Unit Development Plan District. |
1982-14 | 10-14-1982 | Intersection of the first alley west of State and Douglas Streets, then south to Fourth Street, then east to State Street, then south to Grant Street, from B Residence District to LB Local-Business District. |
1983-23 | 1-12-1984 | Lot Number Block “A” in the Candlelite of Greenfield Addition to “C” Residence District. |
1984-5 | 3-22-1984 | Approximately 104.096 acres in Section 29 T16N, R7E to “UD” Unit Development Plan District. |
1986-17 | 11-13-1986 | Part of the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter and the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter, both in Section 29, T16N, R7E, from “PB” and “B” to “I-1”. |
1987-2 | 2-26-1987 | Part of the southeast quarter and part of the southwest quarter of Section 20, T16N, R7E, from “PB” and “B” to “UD”. |
1987-15 | - - | Part of the east half of the southeast quarter of Section 20, T16N, R7E, and a part of the west half of the southwest quarter of Section 21, T16N, R7E, from “PB” Planned Business District, “B” Residence District, “B” Residence District, and “FP1” Flood Plain District, to the “UD” Development District. |
1987-16 | 8-27-1987 | Part of Lot 12 in Snow’s Highway Addition, from “PB” Planned Business District to “I-2” Open Industrial District. Part of Lots l, 2, 3, and 4 in Eagleston’s Subdivision, from “PB” Planned Business District to “I-2” Open Industrial District. |
1988-7 | 4-28-1988 | Part of the southwest quarter of Section 28, T16N, R6E, to “AA” Residence District. |
1988-11 | 7-14-1988 | Part of northwest division of Lot 10 in Block 6 in Pierson’s First Addition; also, part of Lots 9 and 10 in Block 6 in Pierson’s First Addition; also, property commencing 92 feet west of the northeast corner of Lot 9 in Block 6 in Pierson’s First Addition from “PB” to “GB”. |
1988-16 | 8-11-1988 | Part of Section 29, Township 16 North, Range 7 East, and part of southwest corner of northwest quarter of Section 29, Township 16 North, Range 7 East to “PB” and to “C” respectively. |
1989-1 | 1-26-1989 | Part of the southwest quarter of Section 31, Township 16 North, Range 7 East from “PB” to “C”. |
1990-1 | 2-8-1989 | The most eastern 117 feet of Lot No. 2 of Block 1; Lot No. 1 of Block 6; Lot No. 2 of Block 7 from “LB” Local Business District to “B” Residence District. |
1990-2 | 2-8-1990 | Adopting a redrawn zoning map for the city. |
1990-12 | 7-27-1990 | Part of Section 32, Township 16 north, Range 7 East from “A” Residential to “C” Residential. |
1990-13 | 7-27-1990 | (1) Lots 57 and 58 of the Exchange Addition, located at the southwest corner of the intersection of Harrison Street and W. North Street, from “C” Residence District to “LB” Local Business District. |
(2) A tract located in the southeast corner of the intersection of W. New Road and Fields Blvd. from “PB” Planned Business District to “I-1” Enclosed Industrial District. | ||
(3) A tract located at the north end of Baldwin Street and west of Brandywine Creek from “B” Residence District to “C” Residence District. | ||
1991-5 | 6-14-1991 | A part of the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter of Section 5, Township 15 North, Range 7 East from “I-2” Open Industrial to “C” Residential. |
1991-6 | 7-26-1991 | A part of the northeast quarter of Section 29 and a part of the northwest quarter of Section 28, all in Township 16 North, Range 7 East, in Center Township, from “PB” Planned Business District and “B” Residence District to “UD” Unit Development District. |
1991-8 | 7-26-1991 | A part of the southeast quarter of Section 29, Township 16 North, Range 7 East, in Center Township, from “C” Residence District to “PB” Planned Business District. |
1991-11 | 9-12-1991 | A north division of Lots 38 and 39 in Wilson’s Addition, from “C” Residence District to “LB” Business District. |
1991-12 | 9-12-1991 | Certain territory from “B” Residence District to “C” Residence District. |
1991-13 | 9-26-1991 | The northwest division of Lot 73 in Burnett’s Second Addition, from “A” Residence District to “C” Residence District. |
1992-7 | 6-25-1992 | Certain territory from “PB” Planned Business District to “C” Residence District, and certain territory from “B” Residence District to “C” Residence District. |
1992-15 | 10-22-1992 | Certain territory from “B” Residential District to “UD” Residential District. |
1993-2 | 5-13-1993 | Certain territory from “I-2” Open Industrial District to “UD” Unit Development Plan District. |
1993-3 | 5-13-1993 | Certain territory from “B” Residence District to “UD” Unit Development Plan District. |
1993-6 | 8-12-1993 | Certain territory from “PB” Plan Business District to “C” Residence District. |
1993-15 | 1-13-1994 | Certain territory from “B” Residential District to “C” Residential District. |
1994-6 | 4-28-1994 | Part of the east half of Section 1, Township 15 North, Range 6 East from PB to UD. |
1994-9 | 7-14-1994 | Part of Section 29, Township 16 North, Range 7 East from “PB” Planned Business to “C” Residential. |
1994-15 | 11-10-1994 | Part of McCully’s subdivision from “I-2” Open Industrial to “B” Residence. |
1995-14 | 12-28-1995 | Rezoning certain property being the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter, all in Section 34, Township 16 north, Range 7 east in Center Township from “I- 1” Enclosed Industrial to “UD” Unit Development. |
1995-15 | 12-28-1995 | Rezoning certain parcels of land being a part of the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter of Section 34, Township 16, Range 7 east from “I” Enclosed Industrial District to “B” Residence District. |
1995-17 | 12-28-1995 | Rezoning certain property being a part of the southeast quarter of Section 28, Township 16 north, Range 7 east in Center Township from “B” Residential District to “UD” Unit Development District. |
1996-3 | 3-28-1996 | Rezoning certain property being Tract 1, a part of the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter of Section 29, Township 16 north, Range 7 east in the county; Tract 2, a part of the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter of Section 29, Township 16 north, Range 7 east in the county; and a part of the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter of Section 29, Township 16 north, Range 7 east in the county; also a part of the north east quarter of the northwest quarter of Section 29, Township 16 north, Range 7 east from “B” Residence District to “I-1” Enclosed Industrial District. |
1997-19 | 12-11-1997 | Rezoning a certain parcel of land being a part of the southwest quarter of Section 19, Township 16 North, Range 7 East from “S” Suburban Residence District to “I-1” Enclosed Industrial District. |
1998-16 | 8-13-1998 | Rezoning a part of the southwest quarter of Section 34, Township 16 North, Range 7 East in Center Township from “I-1” Enclosed Industrial District to the “B” Residential District. |
1999-19 | 12-23-1999 | (1) Rezoning Lots 107, 108, 109, and 110 in Chandler’s Addition from “GB” General Business District” to “B” Residential District. |
(2) Rezoning parts of Lots 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153 in Chandler’s Addition from “LB” Local Business District to “B” Residential District. | ||
(3) Rezoning 50 feet of uniform width off the entire north end of Lots 74 and 75 in Chandler’s Addition from “C” Residential District to “B” Residential District. | ||
(4) Rezoning Lot 49 in Chandler’s Addition from “C” Residential District to “B” Residential District. | ||
(5) Rezoning Lots 21, 22, and 23 in Chandler’s Addition from “GB” General Business to “B” Residential District. | ||
(6) Rezoning parts of Lot 1, Lot 2, Lot 7, and Lot 8 in Wood, Pratt and Baldwin’s Second Addition from “LB” Local Business District to “B” Residential District. | ||
(7) Rezoning parts of Out Lot 4, Lot 7, Lot 8, Lot 9, Lot 10, Lot 11 in Wood, Pratt, and Baldwin’s Second Addition and Park View Addition from “LB” Local Business District to “B” Residential District. | ||
(8) Rezoning parts of Lot “A” and Lot 2 in Board of Trade Addition from “C” Residential District to “LB” Local Business District. | ||
(9) Rezoning parts of Lot 1, Lot 3, Lot 5, Lot 6, Lot 7 in Souder’s Second Subdivision from “PB” Planned Business District to “A” Residential District. | ||
(10) Rezoning Lot 1 in Ivy Knoll from “PB” Planned Business District to “AA” Residential District. | ||
(11) Rezoning Block “A” in Candlelite of Greenfield, Section Two from “C” Residential District to “B” Residential District. | ||
(12) Rezoning parts of Lot 1, Lot 2, Lot 3, Lot 4, Lot 5, Lot 6, Lot 7, Lot 8, Lot 9, Lot 10, Lot 11, Lot 12, Lot 13, Lot 14, Lot 15, Lot 16, Lot 17, Lot 18, Lot 19, Lot 20, Lot 21, Lot 22, Lot 23, Lot 24, Lot 25, Lot 26, Lot 27, Lot 28, Lot 29, Lot 30, Lot 31, and Lot 32 in Whitcomb Commons from “PB” Planned Business District to “AA” Residential District. | ||
(13) Rezoning Lot 30, 31, and 32 in Boyd’s Highland Home Addition and part of Lot 6 in Hanna’s Addition from “LB” Local Business District to “PB” Planned Business District. | ||
(14) Rezoning Lot 7 and Lot 8 in Boyd’s Highland Home Addition from “LB” Local Business to “PB” Planned Business District. | ||
(15) Rezoning a Northwest Division of Lot 2 in Block Number 7 in Bradley’s Addition from “LB” Local Business to “PB” Planned Business District. | ||
(16) Rezoning parts of Lot 19, Lot 20, Lot 21, Lot 22, Lot 23, Lot 24, Lot 25, Lot 26, Lot 27, Lot 28 in William P. Wilson’s Addition from “C” Residential District to “B” Residential District. | ||
(17) Rezoning parts of Lot 1 and Lot 2 in McCully’s Subdivision of O’Donnell’s Addition from “I-2” Open Industrial District to “B” Residential District. | ||
(18) Rezoning parts of Lot 12, Lot 13, Lot 14, Lot 15, and Lot 16 in Snow’s Highway Addition and Stuart’s Addition from “LB” Local Business District and “I- 2” Open Industrial District to “PB” Planned Business District. | ||
(19) Rezoning Lot 26 and Lot 27 in Exchange Addition from “LB” Local Business District to “C” Residential District. | ||
(20) Rezoning parts of Lot 2 in Block Number 1 in Bradley’s Addition from “B” Residential District to “LB” Local Business District. | ||
(21) Rezoning part of Lot 3 in Block Number 5 in Wood, Pratt, and Baldwin’s Second Addition, commonly known as 204 N. Baldwin, from “C” Residential District to “B” Residential District. | ||
(22) Rezoning parts of Lot 18, Lot 19, Lot 20 in Chandler’s Addition from “GB” General Business District to “LB” Local Business District. | ||
(23) Rezoning parts of Block 3, Lot 5, Lot 6, and Lot 7 in Stuart’s First Addition from “PB” Planned Business District to “C” Residential District. | ||
(24) Rezoning part of Lot “A” in the Board of Trade Addition from “C” Residential District to “I-2” Open Industrial District. | ||
2001-4 | 2-8-2001 | Rezoning a part of the Northwest Quarter of Section 5, Township 15 North, Range 7 East, Center Township, Hancock County from “I-2” Open Industrial District to “B” Residence District. |
2001-9 | 4-26-2001 | Reclassifying certain property described in Exhibit A, as “TN” Traditional Neighborhood District. |
2001-12 | 5-24-2001 | Reclassifying the west half of the Northwest Quarter of Section 29, Township 16 North, Range 7 East as “B” Residence District. |
2001-28 | 1-10-2002 | Reclassifying Lots numbered 1 and 2 in Block 9 in Randall Place, except the following described real estate: 100 feet of uniform width off of the east end of Lots 1 and 2 in Randall Place, an addition to the city from “A” Residence District to “TN” Traditional Neighborhood District. |
2002-2 | 2-14-2002 | Reclassifying a parcel of land lying in the Northwest Quarter of Section 9, Township 15 North, Range 7 East, containing 41.18 acres, more or less, and a parcel lying in the Northeast Quarter of Section 9, Township 15 North, Range 7 East, containing 15.20 acres, more or less, as “AA” Residential District. |
2002-4 | 2-14-2002 | Reclassifying a part of the Northeast Quarter of Section 9, Township 15 North, Range 7 East in Center Township, containing 46,822 acres, more or less, as “A” Residential District. |
2002-9 | 3-28-2002 | Reclassifying a part of the Northwest Quarter and the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter, all in fractional Section 31, Township 16 North, Range 7 East in Center Township, containing 180.904 acres, more or less, as “B” Residential District. |
2002-10 | 3-28-2002 | Reclassifying a part of the Northeast Quarter of Section 28, Township 16 North, Range 7 East, containing 44.36 acres, more or less, as “A” Residential District. |
2002-12 | 3-28-2002 | Reclassifying a part of Section 34, Township 16 North, Range 7 East in Center Township, containing 82.61 acres, more or less, as “B” Residential District. |
2002-14 | 3-28-2002 | Reclassifying a part of the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 31, Township 16 North, Range 7 East, containing 40 acres, more or less, as “B” Residential District. |
2002-25 | 8-22-2002 | Reclassifying the property described in the Exhibit to Ord. 2002-25 as “PUD” Planned Unit Development District. |
2003-5 | 6-26-2003 | (1) Reclassifying a part of Sections 1 and 2 in Township 15 North, Range 6 East, and a part of Sections 35 and 36 in Township 16 North, Range 6 East, all in Center Township, containing 252.194 acres, more or less, to the “PUD” Planned Unit Development District. |
(2) Reclassifying parts of CR 75 West (Windswept Road) from its intersection with U.S. 40 to the north line of the above 252.194-acre tract to “PUD” Planned Unit Development District. | ||
(3) Reclassifying four parcels in the Southeast and Southwest Quarters of Section 36, Township 16 North, Range 6 East, totaling 25.459 acres, more or less, to “AA” Residential District. | ||
2003-15 | 10-23-2003 | Reclassifying a part of the Northeast Quarter of Section 28, Township 16 North, Range 7 East, containing 1.638 acres, more or less, to the “A” Residential District. |
2003-17 | 12-11-2003 | Reclassifying six parcels of real estate in Sections 9 and 16, Township 15 North, Range 7 East, totaling 267.05 acres, more or less, to the “PUD” Planned Unit Development District. |
2004-2 | 2-12-2004 | Reclassifying the property described in Exhibit A to Ord. 2004-2 as “PUD” Planned Unit Development District. |
2004-4 | 3-11-2004 | Reclassifying the property described in Exhibit A to Ord. 2004-4 to the “A” Residential District. |
2004-9 | 4-8-2004 | Reclassifying the property described in Exhibit A to Ord. 2004-9 to the “A” Residential District. |
2004-12 | 7-8-2004 | Reclassifying the property described in Exhibits A, B, C, and D to Ord. 2004-12, respectively, to the “A” Residential District, “B” Residential District, “PB” Planned Business District, and “I-1” Industrial District. |
2004-15 | 5-27-2004 | Reclassifying the property described in Exhibit A to Ord. 2004-15 to the “B” Residential District. |
2004-19 | 6-10-2004 | Reclassifying the property described in Exhibit A to Ord. 2004-19 from “A” Residential District to the “B” Residential District. |
2004-18 | 6-24-2004 | Reclassifying the property described in Exhibit A to Ord. 2004-18 as “PUD” Planned Unit Development District. |
2004-32 | 11-18-2004 | Reclassifying the property described in Exhibit A to Ord. 2004-32 to the “PUD” Planned Residential District. |
2005-3 | 2-10-2005 | Reclassifying the property described in Exhibit A to Ord. 2005-3 to the “PUD” Planned Unit Development District. |
2005-8 | 6-23-2005 | Reclassifying the property described in Exhibit A to Ord. 2005-8 to the “A” Residential District. |
2005-10 | 7-28-2005 | Reclassifying the property described in Exhibit A to Ord. 2005-10 to the “LB” Local Business District. |
2005-19 | 12-15-2005 | Reclassifying the property described in Exhibit A to Ord. 2005-19 to the “PUD” Planned Unit Development District. |
2005-20 | 12-15-2005 | Reclassifying the property described in Ord. 2005-20 to the “I-1” Enclosed Industrial District. |
2007-2 | 6-28-2007 | Reclassifying the property described in Ord. 2007-2 to the “PB” Planned Business District. |
2007-8 | 7-26-2007 | Reclassifying the property described in Ord. 2007-8 to the “I-2” Open Industrial District. |
2007-13 | 9-13-2007 | Reclassifying the property described in Ord. 2007-13 to the “A” Residence District. |
2007-17 | 10-11-2007 | Reclassifying the property described in Ord. 2007-17 to the “PB” Planned Business District. |
2008-2 | 1-23-2008 | Classifying the property described in Ord. 2008-2 to the “PB” Planned Business District. |
2008-13 | 5-14-2008 | Reclassifying the property described in Ord. 2008-13 to the “PB” Planned Business District. |
2008-22 | 8-27-2008 | Reclassifying the property described in Ord. 2008-22 to the “BP” Business Park District. |
2008-23 | 9-10-2008 | Reclassifying the property described in Ord. 2008-23 to the “PUD” Planned Unit Development District. |
2009-3 | 1-28-2009 | Classifying the property described in Ord. 2009-3 to the “BP” Business Park District. |
2009-8 | 5-13-2009 | Reclassifying the property described in Ord. 2009-8 to the “PUD” Planned Unit Development District. |
2011-15 | 9-14-2011 | Amending the preliminary unit development plan of the Greenfield Business Park. |
2012-10 | 10-10-2012 | Classifying the property at 210 Center St. to the “GB” General Business District. |
2013-12 | 11-13-2013 | Classifying property described in Exhibit A (including the “Duffy” property and all property lying south of the north right-of-way line of Pennsy Trail, containing 45 acres) as AA Residence District, and property described in Exhibit B (property lying north of the north right-of-way line of Pennsy Trail, excepting the “Duffy” property, containing 20 acres) as PB Planned Business District. |
2014-11 | 8-27-2014 | Classifying property described in Exhibit A as the east 1/2 of the east 1/2 of the northeast 1/4 Section 24, and a part of the southeast 1/4 of Section 24, all in Township 16 North, Range 6 East in Center Township as “PUD” Planned Unit Development District. |
2016-7 | 5-11-2016 | Reclassifying the property described in Ord. 2016-7 as “BP” Business Park District. |
2016-18 | 10-26-2016 | Reclassifying the property described in Ord. 2016-18 as “PUD” Planned Unit Development District. |
2019-6 | 3-13-2019 | Reclassifying two parcels of property as described in Ord. 2019-6. |
2020-04 | 2-12-2020 | Reclassifying the property described in Ord. 2020-04, more commonly known as Williams Run, North Blue Road, as “B” Residential. |
2020-30 | 11-12-2020 | Reclassifying property as described in Ord. 2020-30 to the PUD Planned Unit Development District. |
2023-01 | 1-25-2023 | Reclassifying property as described in Ord. 2023-01 to “PK” Park District. |
2023-02 | 1-25-2023 | Reclassifying property as described in Ord. 2023-02 to “IM” Innovation and Manufacturing District. |
2023-28 | 10-11-2023 | Reclassifying property as described in Ord. 2023-28 to the “PUD” Planned Unit Development District. |