Ord. No.
Date Passed
Ord. No.
Date Passed
Annexes part of the southeast division of the east half of the southeast quarter of Section 29, T16N, R7E.
Annexes a parcel of land in the northeast quarter of Section 29, T16N, R7E.
Annexes a parcel of land in the west half of the southeast quarter of Section 34, T16N, R7E, and in the west half of the northeast quarter of Section 3, T15N, R7E.
Annexes a parcel of land in the southwest quarter of Section 31 T16N, R7E and the northwest quarter of Section 6, T15N, R7E.
Annexes Lots 255 and 256 in the Chandler’s Addition.
Annexes a parcel of land in the northeast quarter of Section 29, T16N, R7E.
Parts of the west half of the southwest quarter of Section 32, T16N, R7E.
Annexes part of the west half of the northeast quarter of Section 28, T16N, R7E.
Annexes approximately 104.096 acres in Section 29, T16N, R7E.
Annexes part of the southwest quarter of Section 29, T16N, R7E.
Annexes part of the southeast and southwest quarters of Section 20, T16N, R7E.
Annexes part of the east half of the southwest quarter of Section 29, and a part of the west half of the southwest quarter of Section 28, both in T16N, R7E.
Annexes part of the east half of the southeast quarter of Section 29, and a part of the west half of the southwest quarter of Section 28, both in T16N, R7E.
Annexes the following parcels of land:
(l) Approximately 60.804 acres in the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter and the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter of Section 29, Township 16 North, Range 7 East;
(2) Approximately 58.123 acres in the east half of the northeast quarter of Section 20, Township 16 North, Range 7 East; and
(3) Approximately 114.927 acres in the east half of the southeast quarter of Section 20, and in the west half of the southwest quarter of Section 21, both in Township 16 North, Range 7 East.
Annexes the following parcels of land:
(l) All of Indiana State Highway 9 from Road 100 N (McKenzie Road) to County Road 300 N;
(2) Interstate Highway 70 from 2,882 feet west to 2,476 feet east of the centerline of Indiana State Highway 9;
(3) County Road 200 N from 2,868 feet west to 2,483 feet east of the centerline of Indiana State Highway 9;
(4) Part of the east half of the northeast quarter of Section 20, Township 16 North, Range 7 East;
(5) County Road 300 N from its intersection with Indiana Highway 9 to a point 1,121 feet east; and
(6) Meridian Road from U.S. Highway 40 to the north line of the southwest quarter of Section 31, Township 16 North, Range 7 East.
Changes and extends the corporate boundaries to include the following:
(l) Three parcels in the southeast quarter of Section 20, Township 16 North, Range 7 East;
(2) Approximately 4.623 acres in the east half of the southeast quarter of Section 20 and a part of the west half of the southwest quarter of Section 21 both in Township 16 North, Range 7 East;
(3) A part of the east half of the southeast quarter of Section 20 and a part of the west half of the southwest quarter of Section 21, both in Township 16 North, Range 7 East;
(4) Lots 1 through 13 of Souder’s Subdivision in the northeast quarter of Section 29, Township 16 North, Range 7 East;
(5) A part of the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of Section 29, Township 16 North, Range 7 East;
(6) A part of the east half of the northeast quarter of Section 29, Township 16 North, Range 7 East;
(7) A part of the east half of the southeast quarter of Section 29, and a part of the west half of the southwest quarter of Section 28, both in Township 16 North, Range 7 East; and
(8) All of East McKenzie Road from a point on the centerline of Brandywine Creek running east to a point 1,115.65 feet west of the southeast corner of Section 28.
Changes and extends the corporate boundaries to include a part of the southwest quarter of Section 34, Township 16 North, Range 7 East.
Changes and extends the corporate boundaries to include a part of the south half of Section 4, Township 15 North, Range 7 East containing 50.672 acres.
Changes and extends the corporate boundaries to include the following:
(1) All of that portion of County Road 100N (McKenzie Road) that lies between Apple Street (County Road 200E) and County Road 300E;
(2) All of County Road 300E that lies between US Highway 40 and County Road 100N; and
(3) A part of Section 33, Township 16 North, Range 7 East that is north of the north right-of-way line of US Highway 40.
Changes and extends the corporate boundaries to include property in the northwest quarter of Section 1, Township 15 North, Range 6 East, and a part of the southwest quarter of Section 36, Township 16 North, Range 6 East.
Changes and extends the corporate boundaries to include property in the northeast quarter of Section 20, Township 16 North, Range 7 East.
Changes and extends the corporate boundaries to include Section 34, Township 16 North, Range 7 East.
Changes and extends the corporate boundaries to include part of the west half of Section 20, Township 16 North, Range 7 East; and part of the south half of Section 19, Township 16 North, Range 7 East.
Changes and extends the corporate boundaries to include the south middle division of the south half of Section 15, Township 15 North, Range 7 East.
Changes and extends the corporate boundaries to include a part of the west half of the northwest quarter of Section 28, Township 16 North, Range 7 East.
Changes and extends the corporate boundaries to include a part of the west half of the northwest quarter of Section 28, Township 16 North, Range 7 East.
Changes and extends the corporate boundary to include all of the northeast quarter of Section 33, Township 16 North, Range 7 East; also, a part of the northeast quarter of Section 33, Township 16 North, Range 7 East; also, 8.875 acres off the entire south side of the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of Section 33, Township 16 North, Range 7 East; also, lots numbered 330 – 334 and 347 – 351 in Chandler’s Addition and 5.634 acres in the northeast quarter of Section 33, Township 16 North, Range 7 East.
Changes and extends the corporate boundary to include a part of the southwest quarter of the southwest quarter of Section 28, Township 16 North, Range 7 East; also, a part of the northeast quarter of Section 8, Township 15 North, Range 7 East.
Annexing part of the following territories:
(1) The northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of Section 34, Township 16 North, Range 7 East;
(2) The southwest quarter of the northwest quarter of Section 34, Township 16 North, Range 7 East;
(3) Commencing at the northwest corner of the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter of Section 34, Township 16 North, of Range 7 East; and
(4) County Road 100N (East McKenzie) eastwardly from its intersection with Blue Road to the northeast corner of the above described real estate.
Changes and extends the corporate boundaries to include a part of the north half of Section 8, Township 15 north, Range 7 east containing 84.222 acres, more or less; also, a part of the southwest quarter of Section 8, Township 15 north, range 7 east in the county containing 82.333 acres, more or less; also, the west half of the southeast quarter of Section 8, Township 15 north, Range 7 east, containing 80 acres, more or less; also, the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of Section 8, Township 15 north, range 7 east, containing 40 acres, more or less; also all of County Road 200S westward from its intersection with State Road #9 to the southwest corner of the above described real estate, a distance of 3,970 feet, more or less.
Res. 1995-13
Annexing certain property known as Huben Addition (280 acres adjacent to Bowman Acres).
Ord. 1997-7
Annexing a part of the Southwest Quarter of Section 5, Township 15 North, Range 7 East in Center Township (141 acres).
Ord. 1997-18
Annexing property, beginning at the Southwest corner of Section 19, Township 16 North, Range 7 East (160 acres).
Ord. 2000-1
Changes and extends the corporate boundaries to include the following:
The west half of the northwest quarter of Section 27, Township 16 North, Range 7 East, containing 81.72 acres, more or less.
Also, the north half of the southwest quarter of Section 27, Township 16 North, Range 7 East, containing 80 acres, more or less.
Also, a part of the south one-half of the southwest quarter of Section 27, Township 16 North, Range 7 East, described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the east line of the south one-half of the southwest quarter section 300 feet north of the southeast corner thereof; thence north on said east line 1,019 feet of the northeast corner of the south one-half of the southwest quarter; thence west on the north line thereof 2,676.3 feet to the northwest corner of said south one-half; thence south on the west line thereof 1,324.2 feet to the southwest corner of the south one-half of the southwest quarter section; thence east on the south line thereof 2,078 feet; thence north parallel with the east line of the south one-half of the southwest quarter section 300 feet; thence east 599 feet to the place of beginning, containing 77.08 acres, more or less.
And containing in all of the above descriptions 238.8 acres, more or less.
Also, all of Blue Road between McKenzie Road and County Road 200 North; all of County Road 200 North from its intersection with Blue Road easterly a distance of 1,341.2 feet; and all of McKenzie Road from its intersection with Blue Road easterly a distance of 2,078 feet.
The above described real estate shall be assigned to Council District 1.
Changing and extending the corporate boundary of the city to include real estate in the county as described in Exhibits A and B to Ord. 2001-16, containing 340 acres, more or less.
Also all of Steele Ford Road from its intersection with State Road # 9, easterly a distance of 2,369 feet, more or less.
Also all of State Road # 9 southwardly from its intersection with Steele Ford Road to the Southwest Quarter of the north half of the northwest quarter of Section 16 North, Range 7 East, a distance of 2,908 feet, more or less.
Changing and extending the corporate boundary of the city to include real estate in the county as described in Exhibit A to Ord. 2002-1, containing 103.2 acres, more or less.
Changing and extending the corporate boundary of the city to include real estate in the county as described in Exhibit A to Ord. 2002-8, containing 221 acres, more or less.
Also all of Meridian Road from its intersection with County Road 100 North, southwardly a distance of 2,624 feet, more or less.
Also all of County Road 100 North, easterly from its intersection with Meridian Road a distance of 3,650 feet, more or less.
Changing and extending the corporate boundary of the city to include real estate in the county as described in Exhibit A to Ord. 2002-11, containing 44.36 acres, more or less.
Changing and extending the corporate boundary of the city to include real estate in the county, as described in Exhibit A to Ord. 2002-13, containing 107 acres, more or less.
Changing and extending the corporate boundary of the city to include real estate in the county, as described in Exhibit A to Ord. 2002-24, containing 165.25 acres, more or less.
Changing and extending the corporate boundary of the city to include real estate in the county, as described in Exhibit A to Ord. 2003-4, containing 252.194 acres, more or less.
Changing and extending the corporate boundary of the city to include real estate in the county, as described in Exhibit A to Ord. 2003-14, containing 2.212 acres, more or less.
Changing and extending the corporate boundary of the city to include real estate in the county, as described in Exhibit A to Ord. 2004-1, containing 17 acres, more or less.
Changing and extending the corporate boundary of the city to include real estate in the county described as part of the Southwest Quarter of Section 29, Township 16 North, Range 7 East containing 6.68 acres, more or less.
Changing and extending the corporate boundary of the city to include real estate in the county, described as a part of the Southwest Quarter of Section 29, Township 16 North, Range 7 East, containing 11.29 acres, more or less. Excepting a part of the Southwest Quarter of Section 29, Township 16 North, Range 7 East, in the county, containing 6.68 acres, more or less. Also, all of Fortville Pike from its intersection with McKenzie Road North to the Northwest corner of the above described real estate a distance of 911.00 feet, more or less.
Changing and extending the corporate boundary of the city to include real estate in the county, as described in Exhibit A to Ord. 2004-14, containing 23.252 acres, 3.0 acres, 58 acres, more or less and excepting three tracts of land.
Changing and extending the corporate boundary of the city to include real estate in the county, as described in Exhibit A to Ord. 2004-17, containing 60.720 acres, more or less. Also, all of Fortville Pike from the Southeast corner of the above described real estate northwardly to the centerline of County Road 300 North and all of County Road 300 North from the centerline of Fortville Pike westwardly to the Northwest corner of the above described real estate, a distance of 1390 feet, more or less.
Changing and extending the corporate boundary of the city to include real estate in the county, as described in Exhibit A to Ord. 2004-11, containing 265.756 acres, more or less.
Changing and extending the corporate boundary of the city to include real estate in the county, as described in Exhibit A to Ord. 2004-31, containing 28.99 acres, more or less.
Changing and extending the corporate boundary of the city to include real estate in the county, as described in Exhibit A to Ord. 2004-33, containing 187.890 acres, more or less.
Changing and extending the corporate boundary of the city to include real estate in the county, as described in Exhibit A to Ord. 2005-2, containing 109.858 acres, more or less.
Changing and extending the corporate boundary of the city to include real estate in the county, as described in Exhibit A to Ord. 2005-4, containing 163.932 acres, more or less.
Changing and extending the corporate boundary of the city to include real estate in the county, as described in Ord. 2005- 16, containing 37.379 acres, more or less.
Changing and extending the corporate boundary of the city to include real estate in the county, as described in Ord. 2007-1, containing 23.64 acres, more or less.
Changing and extending the corporate boundaries of the city to include real estate in the county, as described in Ord. 2007-7, containing 3.88 acres, more or less.
Annex a part of the north half of Section 19, Township 16 North, Range 7 East, and a part of the north half of Section 20, Township 16 North, range 7 East.
Annexes a part of the northwest quarter of Section 30, Township 16 North, Range 7 East in Center Township.
Annexing a middle division of Out Lot No. 3 in Wood, Pratt, and Baldwin’s 2nd Addition of Out Lots to the city.
Annexing approximately 100 acres of land to the city following receipt of a voluntary petition placing the same within the corporate boundaries of the city.
Annexing 65 acres of land, a part of the north half of Section 3, Township 15 North, Range 7 East, and a part of the south half of Section 34, Township 16 North, Range 7 East in Center Township; plus the adjacent right-of-way for U.S. 40 (East Main Street), and a portion of the right-of-way for County Road 400 East lying within the above described parcel.
Extending the corporate boundary of the city to include the east 1/2 of the east 1/2 of the northeast 1/4 of Section 24, and a part of the southeast 1/4 of Section 24, all in Township 16 North, Range 6 East in Center Township.
Changing and extending the corporate boundary of the city to include part of Section 6, Township 15 North, Range 7 East in the county.
Extending the corporate boundary of the city to include a part of the south half of Section 33, Township 16 North, Range 7 East and a part of the north half of Section 4, Township 15 North, Range 7 East in Center Township.
Extending the corporate boundary of the city to include Lot 22, Brunson Village, Section 4, commonly known as 1028 W. McKenzie Road, being 0.634 acres, more or less.
Changing and extending the corporate boundary of the city to include approximately 98.59 acres of real estate in Hancock County.
Changing and extending the corporate boundary of the city to include a part of the east 1/2 of the east 1/2 of the Northeast Quarter of Section 35 and the west 1/2 of the Northwest Quarter of Section 36.
Amending Ord. 2022-07 and updating the legal description of real property.
Changing and extending the corporate boundary of the city to include Parcel Nos. 30-10-200-003.000-008, 30-10-01-200-004.000-008, 30–10-01-200-006.000-008, 30-10-01-200-005.000-008, 30-10-01-200-002.000-008, 30-10-02-100-015.000-008, and 30-10-01-200-003.001-008.