(A)   Establishment of Traffic Safety Commission. There is hereby created a Commission to be entitled and designated the “Traffic Safety Commission”.
   (B)   Duties and Responsibilities of Traffic Safety Commission. The duties of the Traffic Safety Commission shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
      (1)   Developing and implementing coordinated traffic safety programs which meet local needs;
      (2)   Acting in an advisory capacity to the Common Council and the Mayor in the coordination of traffic safety activities of the official city agencies and departments;
      (3)   Establishing traffic safety priorities for the city;
      (4)   Reviewing and approving project applications for funding;
      (5)   Serving in a liaison capacity between the city and the State Department of Traffic Safety in developing the state highway safety program and in meeting the national highway safety program standards;
      (6)   Promoting public acceptance of official programs proposed or instigated by the city;
      (7)   Fostering public knowledge and support of traffic law enforcement and traffic engineering problems;
      (8)   Cooperating with the schools of the city in promoting traffic safety aids in the schools;
      (9)   Promoting the education of the public on traffic safety; and
      (10)   Generally assisting in the overall reduction of traffic accidents, injuries, and deaths on the city’s streets.
   (C)   Organization. The Traffic Safety Commission shall consist of five members, four of which shall be city officials and one of which shall not be a city official. No member of the Traffic Safety Commission shall be paid or granted any salary or compensation from the city for service on the commission. The members of the Traffic Safety Commission shall be appointed by the Mayor and shall serve until their successors are appointed and qualified, unless otherwise removed from the Traffic Safety Commission. The four city officials shall consist of representatives from:
         (1)   City Police Department;
         (2)   City Engineer;
         (3)   City Street Department; and
         (4)   Common Council.
   (D)   Terms. The terms of the nonofficial member shall be for a two-year period.
   (E)   Secretary. The Chairperson of the Commission shall appoint the Secretary of the Commission. It shall be the duty of the Secretary to:
      (1)   Send all notices for the meeting of the Commission;
      (2)   Keep and preserve the minutes;
      (3)   Have custody and keep all documents and papers filed with the Commission;
      (4)   Advise and consult with the Mayor, Common Council, and city officials as to the work and recommendations of the Commission and its committees;
      (5)   Work with organized community groups and others to carry forward all plans and policies of the Commission as to traffic accident prevention which may be approved by the Commission; and
      (6)   Perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the Commission.
   (F)   Meetings. The Commission shall meet at least once each month, and shall meet on the call of the Chairperson or on call by a majority of its members.
   (G)   Quorum. Three members shall constitute a quorum.