The Building Inspector shall perform the following flood control duties:
   (A)   Floodproofing non-residential structures. Require certification of floodproofing by engineer/architect (structural dry floodproofing is allowed for non-residential structures). The engineer/architect must certify to the elevation to which the structure is dry floodproofed;
   (B)   Manufactured home standards. Require all manufactured homes to be installed using methods and practices which minimize flood damage. Manufactured homes must be elevated and anchored to resist flotation, collapse, or lateral movement;
   (C)   Utility construction.
      (1)   Require new and replacement water and sewer systems to be designed to minimize infiltration; and
      (2)   Require on-site waste disposal systems to be designed to avoid impairment.
   (D)   Record keeping.
      (1)   Obtain and maintain records of elevation and floodproofing levels for new construction or substantial improvements;
      (2)   Obtain certification of floodproofing by engineer/architect;
      (3)   Lowest floor elevations must be obtained for all new construction and substantial improvements; and
      (4)   All information concerning and justifying any variances.
   (E)   Watercourse alteration and maintenance.
      (1)   Notify neighboring communities of watercourse alterations; and
      (2)   Maintain carrying capacity of altered watercourse.
   (F)   Review building permits.
      (1)   Review permits to assure sites are reasonably free from flooding; and
      (2)   Review permits of proposed construction and development and require:
         (a)   Anchoring (including manufactured homes) to prevent flotation and lateral movement;
         (b)   Use of flood-resistant materials;
         (c)   Construction methods which minimize flood damage;
         (d)   Electrical, heating, ventilation, plumbing, air-conditioning equipment, and other service facilities to be designed or located to prevent entry or accumulation of water; and
         (e)   Fully enclosed areas below the lowest floor of an elevated building (if permitted by local ordinances) to be designed to automatically equalize hydrostatic flood forces by allowing for the entry and exit of flood waters.
(Ord. 1988-30, passed 1-12-1989)