Employees and officials shall conduct themselves with accountability and responsibility which shall include, but not be limited to, the following duties and actions:
   (A)   To not participate in any decision where there is a conflict of interest or from which one’s family, business, or professional associates may personally or financially benefit;
   (B)   To not use one’s position, public property, or public resources for the personal benefits of oneself, one’s family, or one’s business or professional associates;
   (C)   To refrain from soliciting or accepting any favor or benefit for one’s family, one’s business, professional associates, or oneself that might be construed as influencing the performance of one’s public duties;
   (D)   To make full public disclosure of the nature of any conflict of interest prior to any action taken;
   (E)   To avoid disclosing or abusing the information that one gains by virtue of one’s position for the personal or financial benefit or for the benefit of any third-party or professional associates;
   (F)   To not engage in direct competition with the city while an employee, an appointed official, elected official, or executive officer; and
   (G)   To support the public’s right to know the truth and encourage diverse and civil public debate in the decision-making process.
(Ord. 2013-7, passed 8-28-2013)