Buildings and building sites on streets running north and south or northerly and southerly shall be numbered northwardly and southwardly from U.S. 40 (East Main Street and West Main Street). Building and building sites on streets running east and west or easterly or westerly shall be numbered eastwardly and westwardly from S.R. 9 (North State Street and South State Street). Even numbers shall be used for the northerly and westerly sides of streets, and odd numbers for the southerly and easterly sides. In numbering, 100 numbers shall be allowed for each block northwardly and southwardly from U.S. 40 (East Main Street and West Main Street), and for each block eastwardly and westwardly from S.R. 9 (North State Street and South State Street). One number shall ordinarily be allowed for each 25 feet of frontage, whether improved or vacant, provided that each existing house and tenement or building entrance with a frontage less than 25 feet shall receive a number.
(Ord. 1990-8, passed 5-11-1990)