   (A)   Where possible, and subject to the requirements of the Board of Public Works and Safety, all new utility lines shall be underground in the historic district.
   (B)   All light standards placed in the front yard of any structures or premises shall be of a design which is compatible with lighting throughout the historic district, and subject to the approval of the Historic Board of Review.
   (C)   The design and location of all items of street furniture must be approved prior to placement and subject to the approval of the Historic Board. Similar designs should be used throughout the historic district.
(Ord. 1984-19, passed 10-25-1984) Penalty, see § 156.99
   (A)   Notice of violations. Whenever the Historic Board finds that the owner of property in any historic district has neglected to keep the property and premises in a clean, sanitary, and tidy condition, or has failed to maintain any structure in a good state of repair and in a safe condition, the Historic Board may give the owner written notice to correct the failures or violations within 30 days after receipt of notice, and if the owner fails to comply, then the Historic Board may bring appropriate enforcement actions as provided by § 156.99(A).
   (B)   Enforcement. It shall be the duty of the Building Inspector to enforce this chapter. He or she shall receive applications required by this code and furnish the prescribed certificates of appropriateness. He or she shall examine areas for which permits have been issued, and he or she shall make necessary inspections to see that the provisions of this code are being upheld. He or she may be provided with the assistance of the Chief of Police in enforcing orders and the City Attorney in prosecuting violations.
   (C)   Building Inspector’s duties. For the purpose of this chapter of the code, the Building Inspector shall have the following duties:
      (1)   Upon finding that any of the provisions of this chapter of the code are being violated, he or she shall notify, in writing, the person responsible for the violation, ordering the action necessary to correct the violation;
      (2)   Order discontinuance of any illegal work being done;
      (3)   Order removal of illegal buildings and structures or illegal additions or structural alterations; or
      (4)   Take any other action authorized by this code to ensure compliance with or prevent violation of this code. This may include the issuance of certificates of appropriateness and such similar administrative duties as are permissible under the law.
(Ord. 1984-19, passed 10-25-1984)
   (A)   Applications and petitions shall be prepared on the forms provided by the Building Inspector, and accompanied by the filing fees herein specified, and shall be submitted to the Building Inspector who shall forthwith pay over the fees to the Clerk-Treasurer to the credit of the general fund of the city.
   (B)   Until all applicable fees have been paid in full, no application shall be filed or processed by the Building Inspector.
   (C)   No part of any filing fee paid pursuant to this section shall be returnable to the applicant or petitioner, unless specifically authorized by the Common Council. In addition to the fees set forth herein, the applicant or petitioner shall pay the cost of publication notices and due notices to interested parties.
   (D)   Applications for the following shall be accompanied by the following fees:
      (1)   Certificate of appropriateness: $10.
      (2)   Demolition permit: $25.
(Ord. 1984-19, passed 10-25-1984) Penalty, see § 156.99
   Any building, structure, or land use in existence at the time of the adoption of the historic revitalization plan that is not in conformity to or within the zoning classification or restrictions or requirements or architectural standards of this plan shall be considered to be a nonconforming use and may continue, but only so long as the owner or owners continuously maintains or maintain this use.
(Ord. 1984-19, passed 10-25-1984) Penalty, see § 156.99
§ 156.99 PENALTY.
   (A)   Remedy. The Historic Board of Review or Building Inspector or any enforcement official of the city designated by the Historic Board may enforce this chapter of the code and any covenants or conditions required or imposed by the Historic Board by civil action in the circuit or superior court. Any legal, equitable, or special remedy may be invoked, including mandatory or prohibitory injunction or a civil fine. These enforcement actions (except those seeking a civil fine) may also be brought by any interested person or affected owner.
   (B)   Penalty. Any person or corporation in violation of Chapter 156 may be punished subject to the provisions of I.C. 36-1-3-8, specifically a fine of not more than $2,500 for a violation of this chapter of the code.
(Ord. 1984-19, passed 10-25-1984)