No licensee or any of his employees under this chapter shall violate any of the following restrictions:
   (a)    No licensee shall, either directly or indirectly, scatter handbills, samples or other matter in or upon the streets or other public places of the City, or distribute them in such a manner that they will be thrown in or upon the streets or other public places.
   (b)    No licensee shall post or distribute any matter of an indecent, immoral or improper nature.
   (c)    No licensee shall throw or scatter any bill, sample or other matter upon any lawn, in any dooryard, or in or upon any of the streets or other public places in the City.
   (d)    No licensee shall post or paint any matter upon any part of any building or structure belonging to the City, or upon any light, telephone or fire alarm pole, or upon any public property.
   (e)    No licensee shall post or paint any matter upon fences, walls, trees, tree boxes or upon any part of any building within the City, without the previous consent of the occupant thereof, or if there be no occupants, without the previous consent of the owner thereof. (Ord. 1022. Passed 12-18-67.)