   (a)   No person shall:
      (1)   Manufacture, carry about his person, possess for sale, see or furnish to any person other than a law enforcement agency for authorized use in police work, any brass knuckles, cestus, billy, blackjack, sandbag, switchblade knife, springblade knife, gravity knife and/or spring loaded weapon capable of propelling a knife or knifelike projectile, including but not limited to a ballistic knife (sometimes referred to commonly as a KGB knife) or other similar weapons and/or advanced martial arts weapons, including but not limited to shurikan (throwing star), nunchuck, sword, knife, staff, tonfa, kama and sai and/or other similar weapons. This paragraph does not apply to the possession and/or use of advanced martial arts weapons on the premises of a recognized martial arts school or during the time such weapons are being transported directly to or from such premises. (Ord. 18- 88. Passed 5-18-88.)
      (2)   When transferring any dangerous ordnance to another, negligently fail to require the transferee to exhibit such identification, license or permit showing the transferee to be authorized to acquire dangerous ordnance pursuant to Ohio R.C. 2923.17, or negligently fail to take a complete record of the transaction and forthwith forward a copy of such record to the sheriff of the county or safety director or police chief of the municipality where the transaction takes place;
      (3)   Knowingly fail to report to law enforcement authorities forthwith the loss or theft of any firearm or dangerous ordnance in such person’s possession or under his control. (A.O.)
   (b)   As used in paragraph (a)(1) hereof, the following designated martial arts weapons are defined as follows:
      (1)   “Nunchuck” means two pieces of hardwood sticks, generally equal in size and weight, held together by a piece of string, leather or chain.
      (2)   “Sword” means a weapon with a long blade for cutting or thrusting designed, manufactured or marketed as a martial arts weapon.
      (3)   “Knife” means a weapon consisting of a single or double edged short blade for cutting or throwing and designed, manufactured or marketed as a martial arts weapon.
      (4)   “Staff” means a hardwood stick the size of which can vary from two to six feet in length which can be used to strike, to block, to jab, to hold and throw an opponent.
      (5)   “Tonfa” means a hardwood shaft which measures about seventeen inches in length with a handle approximately four and one-half inches in length affixed to the shaft.
      (6)   “Kama” means an instrument consisting of a handle with a long curved single edged blade affixed at the end of the handle.
      (7)   “Sai” means a piece of steel or heavy metal that is approximately twelve inches in length with a pointed or blunted end and two prongs that extend down from the blade to form a handle and a protection for strikes.
   (c)   Whoever violates this section is guilty of unlawful transaction in weapons. Violations of subsection (a)(1) or (2) hereof is a misdemeanor of the second degree. Violation of subsection (a)(3) hereof is a misdemeanor of the fourth degree.
(Ord. 18-88. Passed 5-18-88.)