(a)   The submission and review of zoning certificates shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions set forth hereunder.
   (b)   No use of land, building or structure and no construction or alteration of an existing use, building, or structure shall commence until a zoning certificate is issued by the Building and Zoning Inspector certifying that the intended use of the premises has been documented, reviewed, and approved in conformance with the provisions of this Zoning Code. A zoning certificate shall only be issued by the Building and Zoning Inspector subsequent to completion of all procedures and approvals required by this Code.
   (c)   Except as otherwise provided in this Code, a zoning certificate shall be required before:
   (d)   An application for a zoning certificate shall be submitted to the Building and Zoning Inspector and shall include, a plan or plans drawn to scale showing:
      (1)   The dimensions and the shape of the lot to be used or built upon;
      (2)   the sizes and locations of existing structures and uses on the lot;
      (3)   the dimensions and locations of proposed structures and uses;
   (e)   When the Building and Zoning Inspector determines that an application for a zoning certificate does not comply with the provisions or intent of this Code, or that an application does not provide sufficient information to determine compliance with this Code, then the Building and Zoning Inspector shall deny the application and shall not issue a zoning certificate.
   (f)   The Building and Zoning Inspector may refer zoning certificates to the BZA for review.
   (g)   Within fourteen (14) days of the Building and Zoning Inspector's denial of a zoning certificate, the applicant may file a written appeal with the BZA. Any applicant who does not file an appeal within fourteen (14) days of the date of denial by the Planning and Zoning.
(Ord. 32-2020. Passed 1-19-21.)