(a)   All requests for a decision or approval under this Code begins with the property owner or agent thereof filing an application with the Building and Zoning Inspector on forms provided from time to time.
   (b)   A complete application shall include all required submissions and the payment in full of all applicable fees, which shall be proposed from time-to-time by the Mayor and approved by Council.
   (c)   The Building and Zoning Inspector will determine whether an application is complete and is ready to be processed. In some instances, an additional application may be deemed necessary by the Building and Zoning Inspector and, if so, an application will not be deemed to be complete unless and until the all applications are submitted and reviewed and determined to be in accordance with all submittal requirements. The applicant will be notified in writing of any deficiencies in the completeness of the application and shall have thirty (30) days from the date thereof to complete the application or the application will be deemed null and void.
   (d)   If a decision on the application is to be made by someone other than the Building and Zoning Inspector, then the complete application shall be forwarded to the appropriate body for review in accordance with this Code.
   (e)   Unless otherwise prescribed by this Code or requested by the applicant, the applicable decision-making body or administrator shall render a decision on all applications within sixty (60) days from the original hearing.
   (f)   The Building and Zoning Inspector, in consultation with the City Manager, BZA, or any additional Village staff shall publish application procedures and additional requirements in a document to be known as the Development Handbook, which shall be incorporated here by reference. The Building and Zoning Inspector shall make the most current version of this document available to the public in a manner that is easily accessible.
   (g)   In the interest of timely and efficient administration of the provisions of this Code, applicants may submit, and the Board may take action upon, concurrent applications for conditional uses, similar use determinations, variances, and other matters on which the Board is granted authority by this Code. All such concurrent applications shall be submitted in conformance with the applicable provisions of this Code. The Board shall not take such concurrent action if it determines that such concurrent action is not in the best interest of the Village.
   (h)   Unless otherwise prescribed by this code or requested by the applicant, the Board shall render a decision on all applications within sixty (60) days from the original hearing.
(Ord. 32-2020. Passed 1-19-21.)