The following fees be and hereby are established for certain services of the Police Department:
(a) Taking and providing of fingerprints - $10.00 per request.
(b) Providing copies of crash reports - $0.25 per report.
(c) Providing copies of all other reports - $0.10 per page.
(d) Providing crime scene prints/crash photos - $1.00 per copy.
(e) Local background record check - $1.00 each.
(f) Alarm permits - $5.00 annually.
(g) False alarm calls per calendar year,
excluding municipally-owned facilities
1-3 $0.00
4-6 $50.00 each
7+ $100.00
(h) Copies of digital media (CD, DVD, Disc) - $5.00 each.
(i) Faxing of reports - see $0.50 per page.
(Ord. 13-09. Passed 4-21-09.)