Sale of Beer or Intoxicating Liquor During Special Events on Public Property
782.01    Permit required.
782.02    Permit revocation and penalty.
Liquor control - see GEN. OFF. Ch. 529
   (a)    No person, business, retail food establishment, or other entity shall serve and/or distribute any beer or intoxicating liquor during a special event held on Village property or within the public right-of-way without first obtaining a local permit approved by the City Manager. As used in this section, "special event" means any local festival, concert, parade, sporting event, performance, or announced gathering to which the public is invited.
   (b)    Application for a local permit under this section shall be submitted on forms prescribed by the City Manager and accompanied by the applicable permit fee described therein. All local permit applications must be submitted to the City Manager for review at least thirty (30) days prior to the special event. An application must be submitted for each special event. The City Manager shall have the sole discretion to grant or deny any permit under this Chapter on a case-by-case basis considering the public interest, welfare, health, and safety.
   (c)    No local permit shall be issued under this Chapter until the applicant has provided to the Village proof of all current, applicable and valid state licenses and permits otherwise required for the applicant's manufacture, sale, and/or possession of beer or intoxicating liquor at the special event from the Ohio Department of Commerce, Division of Liquor Control. This local permit shall be in addition to, not in place of, all applicable state permits.
   (d)    If the applicant is in the business of distributing and/or selling alcohol, no local permit shall be issued under this Chapter until the applicant has provided to the Village proof of Liquor Liability Insurance in an amount not less than $1,000,000, naming the Village of Greenfield as an additional insured. A copy of the proof of insurance must be provided to the City Manager at the time of application. Event organizers receiving a local permit under this Chapter must comply with all state and local laws.
   (e)    The premises on which the local permit is to be utilized, either on Village property or within the public right-of-way, must have a well-defined perimeter as well as clearly established and marked entrances and exits. The City Manager or his designee shall have the right to review and inspect the premises prior to, and during, the special event.
(Ord. 14-2018. Passed 6-5-18.)
   (a)    If the City Manager and/or the Chief of Police learns the applicant submitted false information on the local permit application, is operating outside the scope of the applicant's local or state permits, or otherwise believes the applicant is operating in a manner that is harmful to the public interest, welfare, health, and safety, the City Manager and/or the Chief of Police may immediately revoke the local permit previously issued under this Chapter.
   (b)    In addition to having the local permit required under this Chapter revoked at any time, whoever violates this section is guilty of a misdemeanor of the fourth degree.
(Ord. 14-2018. Passed 6-5-18.)