(a) The following User Charges shall be paid by all classes of users throughout the service area.
(b) The following rates shall be charged for supply of sewer service for users inside the corporate limits of the City of Greenfield, based upon water consumption, payable monthly as follows:
(1) Effective March 1, 2009:
Gallons | Price Per Thousand |
0 - 1,000 | $22.36 |
Next 1,000 | 4.68 |
All over 2,000 | 6.24 |
(2) Effective January 1, 2010:
Gallons | Price Per Thousand |
0 - 1,000 | $23.03 |
Next 1,000 | 4.82 |
All over 2,000 | 6.43 |
(3) Effective January 1, 2011:
Gallons | Price Per Thousand |
0 - 1,000 | $23.72 |
Next 1,000 | 4.97 |
All over 2,000 | 6.62 |
(4) Effective January 1, 2012:
Gallons | Price Per Thousand |
0 - 1,000 | $24.43 |
Next 1,000 | 5.11 |
All over 2,000 | 6.82 |
(5) Effective January 1, 2013:
Gallons | Price Per Thousand |
0 - 1,000 | $25.17 |
Next 1,000 | 5.27 |
All over 2,000 | 7.02 |
(6) Effective January 1, 2023: Gallons Price Per Thousand 0 - 1000 $31.68 Next 1,000 5.53 All over 2,000 7.37 (7) Effective January 1, 2024: Gallons Price Per Thousand 0 - 1000 $37.78 Next 1,000 5.70 All over 2,000 7.59 |
(8) Effective January 1, 2025, and every year thereafter, there shall be a three percent (3%) increase to the base rate for the previous year.
(c) The following rate shall be charged for supply of sewer service for users outside the corporate limits of the City of Greenfield, based upon water consumption and payable monthly as follows:
(1) Effective March 1, 2009:
Gallons | Price Per Thousand |
0 - 1,000 | $33.28 |
Next 1,000 | 7.28 |
All over 2,000 | 9.36 |
(2) Effective January 1, 2010:
Gallons | Price Per Thousand |
0 - 1,000 | $34.28 |
Next 1,000 | 7.50 |
All over 2,000 | 9.64 |
(3) Effective January 1, 2011:
Gallons | Price Per Thousand |
0 - 1,000 | $35.31 |
Next 1,000 | 7.72 |
All over 2,000 | 9.93 |
(4) Effective January 1, 2012:
Gallons | Price Per Thousand |
0 - 1,000 | $36.37 |
Next 1,000 | 7.96 |
All over 2,000 | 10.23 |
(5) Effective January 1, 2013:
Gallons | Price Per Thousand |
0 - 1,000 | $37.46 |
Next 1,000 | 8.19 |
All over 2,000 | 10.53 |
(6) Effective January 1, 2023: Gallons Price Per Thousand 0 - 1,000 $44.58 Next 1,000 8.60 All over 2,000 11.06 (7) Effective January 1, 2024: Gallons Price Per Thousand 0 - 1,000 $51.07 Next 1,000 8.86 All over 2,000 11.39 |
(8) Effective January 1, 2025, and every year thereafter, there shall be a three percent (3%) increase to the base rate for the previous year.
(d) Nothing in this section shall prohibit the Public Service Director from establishing rates for bulk deliveries pursuant to Ordinance 41-89.
(Ord. 01-09. Passed 1-20-09; Ord. 19-13. Passed 12-4-13; Ord. 19-2022. Passed 1-9-23.)
(e) The ICR Charges shall be paid in addition to the User Charge by each Industrial Class User in the Service Area discharging industrial wastewater to any component or components of the sewage works facilities from which the user is receiving benefits and for which an EPA Grant has been awarded. However, any industry discharging less than the equivalent of 25,000 gpd of sanitary wastewater shall be exempt from the Industrial Cost Recovery System provided such discharge does not contain pollutants which:
(1) Interfere with the treatment works processes.
(2) Are toxic or incompatible.
(3) Contaminate or otherwise reduce the utility value of treatment works sludge.
Industrial wastewater shall include cooling water where such is discharged to the sanitary sewer.
(f) ICR payments shall be based on the flow of industrial wastewater and cooling water only discharged to the sanitary sewer system, as hereinafter determined, and are not to be paid on any sanitary wastewater discharged by an Industrial Class User. All ICR charges shall be as provided by Council and shall be calculated on the basis of a thirty year recovery period.
(g) Each industry discharging to the sanitary sewer system shall complete and file with the City an Industrial Waste Questionnaire containing pertinent information as to quantity of flow, characteristics of discharged wastewaters, etc., and this information will be used to determine billings for the first year following the effective date of this chapter. Subsequent billings will be based on revised information taken from annual updated reports to be filed with the City, or from other records. Interim reports may be requested at the discretion of the Director. New industries shall file a fully executed questionnaire with the City prior to being issued a Sewer Permit.
(h) Where industrial wastewater is combined with sanitary wastewater at the point or points of discharge, and no separate metering of each increment is provided, the sanitary wastewater from industry shall be considered equal to fifteen gallons per day per employee (thirty gallons per day where showers are used) at “Normal Strength” loadings as previously defined herein.
(i) The Service Charges shall be computed on the basis of water purchased from the City, as registered by the water meter or meters, unless the actual quantity of wastewater entering the sanitary sewer system can be determined, as specified hereinafter.
(j) Each premises served by the sanitary sewer system of the City shall be charged, and where a premises is served by more than one sewer connection a combined charge shall be levied based on the total flow from all connections. However, where the property is not occupied, a minimum charge shall be levied for each sewer connection.
(k) Where more than one meter is installed, whether for the convenience of the owner of the premises or the City, Service Charges shall be rendered to the owner of the premises for each meter, unless the combined flow through all meters is authorized by the Director.
(l) When a person, firm or corporation can show to the satisfaction of the Director that a portion of the water as measured by the water meter does not enter the sanitary sewer system, such as uncontaminated cooling water, such person, firm or corporation may submit an application in writing to the Director for the installation of an auxiliary water meter. The Director has the authority to permit or to require an additional meter to be installed at the applicant’s expense, so as to measure the quantity of water actually entering the sanitary sewer system. The quantity of water used to determine the Service Charges shall be the quantity of water actually entering the sanitary sewer system as so determined.
(m) If the Director finds that it is not practicable to measure such water by meters, he shall determine the volume of wastewater in any manner or method as he may find practicable, in order to arrive at the percentage of metered water entering the sanitary sewer system and the quantity of water used to determine the Sewer Service Charges shall be that percentage so determined.
(n) In the event that the conditions set forth in subsection (k) hereof are not, for any reason, met, all water metered to the premises shall be used for billing purposes.
(o) When a premises is supplied either whole or in part with water from a well or any source other than a public water supply, such well or source of supply shall be registered in writing with the Director. The owner of the premises shall install and maintain at his expense, a meter or meters acceptable to the Director on all such supplies, and the quantity of water used to determine the service charges shall be the quantity as measured by the meter or meters. If the meter or meters are not installed within six months from the date of notification in writing by the Director, the owner or other users of the premises shall be billed at double the minimum charge.
(p) Where an auxiliary meter, or meters, is required for the proper determination of water subject to the Service Charges, such meter shall be installed only after approval has been granted by the Director. Such meter shall be installed, owned and maintained by the property owner. Venturi meters, flumes, weirs and other methods of measuring flow shall be used only when authorized by the Director. Meters which will be approved are as follows:
(1) Meters purchased from the City.
(2) Meters equal or similar to meters purchased from the City which are purchased elsewhere and tested by the City.
(3) Crest or turbine type meters of two inch size and over, to be used where it is established the particular meter is under full head at all times; provided such meters are tested and approved for large constant flows by the City.
(4) Existing private meters now in place, may be continued in use on a conditional basis. If such meters are suspected of faulty registration, they are subject to a test, when so ordered by the Director.
(5) Other meters shall be tested by the manufacturer of the meter and a certificate of the test shall be furnished to the Director. Such meters shall not be used without the written approval of the Director.
(6) It is understood that where an auxiliary meter has been installed, such a meter shall not be removed without the approval of the Director.
(q) All meters shall be installed in accordance with the standards, rules and regulations of the City.
Where private meters are used on well, or in an industrial water distribution system, and such meters are set behind the primary water supply meter, the aforementioned standards, rules and regulations may be modified or waived by the Director.
(r) Fire protection service branches shall be exempt from all Service Charges except for water used for purposes other than fire protection.
(s) Where a sanitary or combined sewer in the area served by the City is available to any lot, parcel of land, building, or premises which is improved, it is a conclusive presumption that wastewater from such lot, parcel of land, building, or premises which is improved is discharged into such sewer, and the owner shall be billed the Service Charges as provided herein. Any lot, parcel of land, building, or premises abutting a street, alley or easement in which there is a public sanitary or combined sewer shall be deemed to have available access to a sanitary sewer, and the owner or other users of such real property shall connect to the sewer within six months from the date the owner is notified in writing by the City that the sewer is made available for use to their property. In the event the owner or other users of the real property are not connected on such date, the minimum charge specified under subsection (b) hereof shall be imposed upon the property. Reference is made to Section 915.03(d). (Ord. 05-06. Passed 6-21- 06.)