The various classes of users of the sanitary sewerage system shall be as follows:
(a) The Domestic Class shall include all customers whose use of the sanitary sewerage system is domestic in nature. This includes all single and multiple family residences. It does not include commercial establishments such as hotels and motels.
(b) The Commercial Class shall include those customers who are service oriented as distinguished from residential and manufacturing. Examples: automotive service businesses including filling stations and car washes; food handling businesses such as restaurants and grocery stores; hair dressing and barber shops; office buildings, including all professional offices; retail establishments; hotels and motels; laundries and dry cleaning establishments; etc.
(c) The Governmental/Institutional Class shall include those customers who are service oriented and essentially non-profit in nature, such as hospitals, schools, government buildings, etc.
(d) The Industrial Class shall include all customers who are engaged in manufacturing and who may or may not discharge process wastewater in addition to sanitary wastewater. For the purpose of determining ICR payments, this class of user has been described by the U.S. EPA (40 CFR 35. 905-8) as: "Any non-governmental user of publicly owned treatment works identified in the Standard Industrial Classification Manual, 1972, Office of Management and Budget, as amended and supplemented, under Division A-Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing; B-Mining; D-Manufacturing; E-Transportation and Public Utilities: and I-Services".