§ 35.04  ADDRESSING.
   (A)   Use of assigned number required. No person may display or cause to be displayed on any house, building, or box any number other than the number assigned by the Address Administrator.
   (B)   Removal, obliteration, and destruction prohibited. No person may remove, obliterate, or destroy any number displayed in accordance with this chapter.
   (C)   Road address number assignment. The administrator shall assign house and building road address numbers in accordance with a system that adheres as closely as possible to the principles set forth in this section.
   (D)   Methodology. The methodology used to determine the assignment of house and building address numbers shall be:
      (1)   Addresses shall be assigned at 5.28 feet intervals along the length of the road. The intent of this practice is to ensure there are available addresses between addressable structures that can be assigned at a later date;
      (2)   The range of addresses shall begin with the lowest number in the range being closest to the road of origin with the numbers increasing as the distance from the road of origin increases. Future range of addresses on any new roads created shall begin with ten and increase with direction of road. The direction of roads shall be determined by using a point of origin being the Greene County Court House. Address numbers will increase as the road travels further from the point of origin.
      (3)   The addresses will be numbered from the beginning point of the road, assign addresses as odd numbers to the left and even numbers to the right, based upon the driveway. Address numbers shall be whole integers. Fractions or decimal numbers will not be used. In any case that requires multiple use of one number, letters will be added, i.e. 101A, 101B.
   (E)   Apartment and condominium complexes.
      (1)   The Address Administrator shall assign apartment complexes a number to each building. Numbers are then assigned to individual apartments.
      (2)   Streets within the complex shall be named.
   (F)   Display of road address numbers. Once assigned, road address numbers must be clearly displayed so the location can be easily identified from the road the property is addressed from.
      (1)   The official address number must be displayed on the front of the addressable structure or at the entrance to the addressable structure whichever is most visible from the road. All numerical identifications must be easily identifiable without obstruction of view.
      (2)   If your structure is located at more than 100 feet from the roadway and/or not clearly visible shall be required to have numerical posting at both the entrance or driveway and located in close proximity to the front door or entranceway. A post height of three feet will be required for all entrances or private drives that requires numerical posting. A mailbox will be suitable as long as it is placed at the entranceway to the property and have numbers meeting the requirements of this chapter.
      (3)   The minimum number size for residential structures or units shall be three inches in height. The minimum size for all other structure numbers shall be six inches in height. In all cases, a number larger than the minimum size may be required where the minimum size does not provide adequate identification.
      (4)   All structure numbers shall be constructed of a durable reflective material. The color shall contrast with the color scheme of the structure, and if mounted on glass, shall contrast with the background and be clearly visible.
      (5)   Applicability to existing structures. Owners or occupants of buildings already constructed will be required to comply with this chapter within 90 days of approval by the Greene County Board of Commissioners.
   (G)   Address corrections.
      (1)   The Address Administrator is authorized to correct any errors in a numeric address or street range. This includes:
         (a)   Addresses that are out of sequence with other addresses on the same road;
         (b)   Addresses that are not inside the range of values assigned to the street of origin;
         (c)   Address ranges assigned to street segments that are not sequential or are out of sequence with preceding or succeeding segments of the same street;
         (d)   Area where no addresses were left for vacant lot(s);
         (e)   Street name change approved by Greene County Board of Commissioners;
         (f)   Person unknowingly displaying the wrong address; and
         (g)   Change from rural route and box number to urban street address number.
      (2)   The Address Administrator shall provide written notice to the owner of the property in violation of this chapter which shall include the reason for the error, the new numeric address and that the address change will be effective 30 days from receipt of the notice. A resident who does not display the new address after the effective date shall be in violation of this chapter.
(Ord. effective 8-18-14)  Penalty, see § 35.99