§ 35.03  ROAD NAMING.
   (A)   Roads located within the unincorporated areas of Greene County, whether public and private, shall not be named or renamed by any method except those found in the Greene County Road Name Ordinance, adopted May 6, 1996.
   (B)   All existing, proposed, or constructed public or private roads or driveways that provides access to three or more habitable structures that use the road for access from the main road shall have a street name and address range assigned,
   (C)   The naming of these roads that have met the requirements will be named by following the guidelines of Greene County Road Naming Ordinance, except as follows: The Address Administrator will have the authority to assign road names to private roads for addressing purposes only when a drive or
road meets the standards outlined above in this section and does not fall under the definition of a subdivision road.
(Ord. effective 8-18-14)  Penalty, see § 35.99