§ 154.081  USES NOT LISTED.
   (A)   When a particular use is not specifically listed in the table of uses, the Zoning Administrator may permit the use upon finding that the proposed use has an impact that is similar in nature, function, and duration to other existing, listed, uses that are permitted in the specific zoning district. In making such a finding, the Zoning Administrator shall also take into account the purpose and intent of this chapter and the purpose and intent of the zoning district in which the unlisted use is to be established, along with any relevant definitions that exist in § 154.010, Definitions.
   (B)   If the Zoning Administrator believes that requests for such a use will become common, or that adding the use to the table of uses is beneficial, he/she shall initiate a text amendment to insert the use into the table of uses.
   (C)   If the Zoning Administrator denies a zoning permit for the establishment of an unlisted use, the decision may be appealed to the Board of Adjustment as an appeal of the Zoning Administrator's decision pursuant to § 154.042.
(Ord. passed 6-21-21)